Penal Madrid


Senior Member
Can't destroy something that's not there in the first place. They're not family, they're professionals, rivals, people of interest, constantly Facebooking and Whatsapping each other and their friends. Cannot possibly predict who will see extrinsic value in going public with it. Everyone knows large groups can't be trusted with such things. Nor did the rest have any need to know in the slightest, doesn't change anything for their goals at the tournament and what happens beyond it is always up in the air. You can be mad about parents keeping secrets from you, whatever. Such is the reality of the situation.

He either tells the Spanish FA and all the players when approached or turns it down.

Chose a route that alienates others in squad and lack of trust.

Right decision to let him go.


President of FC Barcelona
If Rubiales is allowed to stay as the RFEF President for a long time and not pushed out through scheming from Real Madrid, I think we'll finally see a new age in Spanish Football where no major club can influence the federation, where no club is above the other. Where there is complete transparency and no shady dealings behind the scenes.

That's exactly what the guy was elected for and why he reacted this way. Lopetegui and Real Madrid schemed behind RFEF's back and announced this shitshow merely 5 minutes after informing them and not coordinating anything.

Florentino can bitch all he want about a conspiracy, but even he knows that the Rubiales is way too principled to let a club or an individual like him piss all over Spanish Football.

No conspiracy, just transparency.


Senior Member
Boy is Lo gonna be sorry when Flo fires his ass in December when it's clear to everyone what a mediocre coach this is

He said the day he was fired from the NT was the worst of his life after the one he lost his mother. When Flo will fire him prematurely will certainly be his new worst day ever, whatta stupid chicken.

El Gato

So I only read this now but it's been out for ages, and it turns out that when Perez allegedly called Rubiales 5 mins before the announcement ~16:50, him and Lopetegui chatted afterwards, Lopetegui says Rubiales congratulated him and told him to wait till he gets back to do the presser together. This devolved into the 17:28 RFEF announcement pretty much implying they're cool with it and that "they've been kept fully in the loop with Madrid negotiations", which is then at 17:45 subsequently amended and substituted by the part stating "RFEF will receive the release clause payment by Madrid for the manager to sign a contract with the club".


Still believe Mr Rubiales had zero agenda, wasn't being vindictive and hasn't chosen to paint himself as a saint who was kept in the dark in the follow-up?

Needless situation on all accounts.


President of FC Barcelona
I think that was debunked on Twitter by some for being photoshopped/edit text from one to the other

El Gato

Fair enough, not sure who did the debunking, not sure how we can possibly know who’s right. But things like this here are intricate lies too then.


Think I’ll go with Mr Ethics-Above-All New Blood Trustworthy President not being so honest. Like common sense would suggest with politicians. Seems more likely to me he just had a change of heart between 17:30 and 9 am the next day with some banging on the wall of his hotel room, characteristic of prideful Spaniards. With a bit of “how could he do this to me after I gave him such a nice 3 year deal...” and “I’ll show him and he’ll be sorry just yet. He can kiss his dear team and World Cup dreams goodbye”.

Yeah sounds more like Latinos.

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