Pep Guardiola


Senior Member
Yeah, reading that transcript, a few things are clear...Rosell is evil and in all probability why Pep & the rest of the Cruyff loyalists have left the club...The Neymar story never felt genuine to me and now only supports the theory that the board along with MD have been gradually attacking Guardiola at every opportunity...Now it definitely feels adversarial and even if Pep's declaration of intent for Thiago is nothing more than a negotiating tactic for his brother's client to get an improved deal at Barcelona, the war is on

Took all of 3 years for Rosell to shite on everything Laporta, Txiki & Pep accomplished with this team...Some of us saw this coming a mile away

A lot has seen this coming ,except those who had the right to vote in 2010 and decided to pick laporta's biggest enemy ,it was a stab in the back for one of Barca greatest president and now they are paying for it,with all barca fans around the world

Some of you are missing one thing. Pep is not taking Thiago from Rosell. He is taking him from Barca.
Rosell is a piece of work but don't confuse pep for a saint. He is following his own ambition outside Barcelona and always had it planned not to be Barca manager for a long time.

Let's be honest here ,he is taking Thiago from Manchester United not us , I think the kid decision to leave has been decided for some time unless the club has really tried to keep him,and I think they didn't
He has the leave with a reasonable buyout clause ,Manu were close in getting him and now Pep decided if he is leaving,why not getting him instead of Moyes?
Let's not blame pep for Zubi&Rosell mistakes


New member
Laporta: Guardiola es mereix tot l'agraïment del barcelonisme per l'excel.lent feina que va fer, per la seva honestedat i pels valors que representa


Laporta: Guardiola es mereix tot l'agraïment del barcelonisme per l'excel.lent feina que va fer, per la seva honestedat i pels valors que representa

Without google translate I can tell key words in this quote is: Guardiola and honest :party1:


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Laporta: Guardiola es mereix tot l'agraïment del barcelonisme per l'excel.lent feina que va fer, per la seva honestedat i pels valors que representa

Laporta: "Guardiola deserves all gratitude from barcelonism for the great job he did, for his honesty and values he represents."


New member
I'm not sure how to feel about all of this. I am completely pro-Pep with regards to the whole Rosell business but it's hard to not be disappointed in Pep for going after Thiago. He would probably say that he is bringing a player who is going to leave one way or another so if you think of it like that it isn't too bad. It still doesn't sit too well with me but I wouldn't go as far as calling him a traitor.


Senior Member
You are confusing things.

Bottom line is: Pep took staff from FC Barcelona and is now going after Thiago. So yes, he is attacking the club.
No, you misunderstand things..
Thiago wants to leave in the first place. Reason is playing time (and his - and father's- immaturity IMO). That's the problem in the first place. What comes after is another story..
What happens after is that Pep tries to steal him from United, bcz it is evident that no player in the world can be forced to stay, especially with these stupid release clause thing..

Secondly, do you know if the staff 'he took' wanted to leave in the first place or were happy in their collaboration with Tito?

Thirdly, in the pep-rossel debate it is quite naive for anyone to believe rossel and co to be morally superior than Pep. We have seen the guy closely for 3 years at least and we know how high his ethical standards are in every decision..
Not wanting to become Ferguson is another thing. No one can force him to do. For 3 years he revolutionarized football, and you have to be graceful for what he did in all of your life..
Its blasphemous to even think that Pep Guardiola will ever, ever go against the club of his life. That he will ever go against his home, his childhood, his memories, everything bcz of career ambitions is smthing that even Murinho wouldnt do.. So, please have some sense in what you say..


New member
Guardiola attacks Rosell's board and confirms he wants Thiago.
"I want Thiago. I know him very well. I've talked with Rummeniege and Sammer but there are no news. We'll see."
"I went 6,000 km away and asked Barça's board to let me alone but they didn't get it. They didn't keep their word."
"They use Tito's disease to harm me. I won't forget this. Because I've seen Tito in New York, and if I don't, it is because it was not possible, not because my fault."

Here is the video, but from what he's saying, I'm confused, especially with the last line. Can anyone who understands what he's saying explain it?


Wild Man of Borneo
I don't understand how he gets the blame over Tito/Rosell or even Thiago himself. Pep is the last one who caused this to happen, yet everyone seems to forget why Thiago was unhappy in the first place.


Staff member
Hope both Pep and Thiago fail miserably at Bayern.
Those who pick Pep over FC Barcelona and invent excuses should take a long hard look at themselves.

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