Pep Guardiola


New member
Honestly if I gave my opinion here I'd just get flamed based on the way this discussion is going so I'm not really going to bother. All I will say is something really stinks & it isn't necessarily Pep.


Senior Member
Honestly if I gave my opinion here I'd just get flamed based on the way this discussion is going so I'm not really going to bother. All I will say is something really stinks & it isn't necessarily Pep.
What stings is Rossel...
Also Mazinho stings and Thiago is overestimating himself..
Simple story. Pep, Tito are not to be blamed..


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
The board is driving towards a civil war. :lol: The Guardiolan Empire versus the Rosellian Commonwealth. :lol:


New member
They were supposed to throw millions at him to stay on the bench and act as a mascot.

He wasn't asking for millions, and considering the dire state of our defence, he'd have been an asset.

And I'm for the Qatar Airways, we need that money, I just meant that people see that as something he did that damages the club, sorry for the misunderstanding, my bad.


Senior Member
i don't see how pep has harmed the club by saying rosell is a lying mustard which by most accounts he is.

by taking a few physics which is a common practice

by taking a player that the club or coach doesn't seem to have much. interest in keeping
This whole thing is rotten. Especially with his brother Pere involved. Funny Pep had a problem with people like Raiola, Yaya's agent Seluk and that of Eto'o: Mesalles and now his brother with direction by him him is proving to be more snake like than any of them. He never said anything when Pere was taking Toral and company to England either while he was coach. Blind spots and double standards.
Totally agree. Plus he's acting like a
He doesn't know how much he's damaging Barcelona.


Mike the Knife
Hope both Pep and Thiago fail miserably at Bayern.
Those who pick Pep over FC Barcelona and invent excuses should take a long hard look at themselves.

Right back at ya, Bojan

Pep, the ball boy who became player, became Captain, became coach and became a legend vs the corporate whore?...It's an easy choice, every time...One is a true culé who has kept his word and shown class & character in everything he has done


The board is driving towards a civil war. :lol: The Guardiolan Empire versus the Rosellian Commonwealth. :lol:

#TeamRosell all the way.

Pep is a snake who was going behind our backs in 2011 inquiring about the Bayern job.

Tried to foil our plans of getting Neymar by telling him and his father that Tito wouldn't know how to play them him and Messi. That was first reported by a Brazilian outlet, not Rosell and Catalan press like Pep is saying right now. He's lying through his teeth right now because he knows a backlash is coming.


New member
Right back at ya, Bojan

Pep, the ball boy who became player, became Captain, became coach and became a legend vs the corporate whore?...It's an easy choice, every time...One is a true culé who has kept his word and shown class & character in everything he has done
He didn't keep his word when he said he wouldnt sign any Barca players though, and that's what people here are so angry about (rightfully so imho)


New member
The Cisco Kid said:
Tried to foil our plans of getting Neymar by telling him and his father that Tito wouldn't know how to play them him and Messi. That was first reported by a Brazilian outlet, not Rosell and Catalan press like Pep is saying right now. He's lying through his teeth right now because he knows a backlash is coming.
Hmmm, i hadn't thought about it yet, but you could be right about the Odilio Rodrigues part. Wasnt it Globoesporte who first reported that news?


Mike the Knife
He didn't keep his word when he said he wouldnt sign any Barca players though, and that's what people here are so angry about (rightfully so imho)

He was specific about that...He wouldn't unsettle any Barcelona player, if there was any to sign they'd have to be available to sign...and Thiago is available with his ridiculous clause, courtesy of the current board.

Shouldn't confuse the sequence of events here, this is all on Rosell...That includes the ridiculous clause but more so that they have done nothing to keep the player settled if nothing else - we've heard nothing, especially in public, about fighting to keep Thiago...The minutes issue alone, someone who played less this season than last...Thiago made it clear as did the local papers, long before Bayern or Pep were even in the conversation that he was on the market - that doesn't happen without a rubberstamp from the club...Then there are the lies and mudslinging from Rosell...Seems like a convenient scenario to scapegoat Pep, my how short people's memories are


Wild Man of Borneo
The board is driving towards a civil war. :lol: The Guardiolan Empire versus the Rosellian Commonwealth. :lol:

Very much so, with some people just blindly turning to Rosell supporters in this time for the sole purpose of spiting Guardiola because he's become the new target in a transfer saga that wasn't even caused by him but rooted with problems created by none other than Sandro. Pep isn't out to get the club at all, simply looking out for his own interests at his new club in peace while Rosell and his new group of Pep-haters are busy complaining about how Pep is targeting Barcelona's staff, players, and transfers as if they are oh so innocent.

The thing I don't get most is how some could actually dare to call Pep a disloyal traitor who was always selfish and never cared about the club. A few foreign, obscure fans on the internet bringing it upon themselves to condemn a man who was born into the club, legend as a player, even more massive as a coach. A man who was at the heart of the club's greatest success and personally endured their downfalls. He poured his blood, sweat, and tears into the club and brought upon the greatest team ever seen, only for it to be torn down little by little by a business-savvy, robotic power seeker and then have his very own fans turn on him due to bitter emotions about the circumstances of his departure. Fans seriously aren't grateful for a person who is arguably the greatest thing ever to happen to the club, instead wishing him ill will at his new club because of the possible transfer of a player that Barcelona themselves drove out.

But fuck it, some fans are always looking for a target to blame and Pep is nothing but another name in this long list of scapegoats. This saga has brought upon some apeshit and fanatic reactions, but I guess it's only natural for an angry mob to search for a monster to chase.

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