

o Fenômeno


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Schuster (ex-Real Madrid): "Pepe's playacting accusations? When you touch him, he throws himself to the ground, he better keeps quiet." [rm]


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The entire 1982 German WC team says hi.

Pepe isn't even the dirtiest player to ever play for Madrid, let alone football.

Alright, I should probably have added in modern times. I was 4 years old in 1982, so I probably didn't see a whole lot of footy back then.
If Pepe isn't the dirtiest from RM, who is? I can't recall anyone coming even close to this mad dog.

El Gato

The man is so dirty he committed fewer fouls over last 3 seasons than either Busquets or Alves.

As many bad antics as he brings in, he's no Gattuso.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Well, while they were both flops, Pablo Garcia and Thoms Gravesen both played for Real Madrid, and their only purpose is to be thugs.

You have Madrid legend Camacho, who is today known as a fatass manager but as a player was famous for being a ruthless hardman, and more recently Salgado was pretty damn violent.

Pepe isn't even the dirtiest player in the world right now, he's a fucking psychopath sure but he's never done any individual act as disgusting as some of De Jong's antics, and the likes of Carvalho and Lucio just off the top of my head can be just as dirty, not to mention teams like Stoke where half the lineup is hatchetmen. And don't forget Barca legend Van Bommel.

Pepe is a cunt but talk about hyperbole, the only way he's different from say Carvalho is he has worse judgement.


New member
The man is so dirty he committed fewer fouls over last 3 seasons than either Busquets or Alves.

As many bad antics as he brings in, he's no Gattuso.

It's not really the amount of fouls that makes Pepe stand out though. It's the way he seems to completely disregard the life and limbs of his opponents. He snaps like noone I can recall, and the fact that he even has the audacity to whine like a stuck pig when barely graced just makes him even more pathetic.

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