

Active member
Can we book Pepe to box against one of the Klitckco brothers, I thing we could fill the ground with this fight ?


He should be banned from playing professional football. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that. With some of the things he's done, the authorities should've been involved. I'm 100% serious.


Same shit different day.
Just imagine that was any other player in the world playing for a top club. It would've gotten so much more attention. But because he basically does this every game everybody is already used to it.


New member

I was waiting for this moment!!! Finishim Melooo!


New member
I hate Pepe and I think he shouldn't be allowed on the pitch. In terms of Melo, watching him for almost 2 years at Gala now, he has changed, knowing his bad image he had, he really tries to control himself. The real difference between them is: Melo is not a coward as Pepe is. What I never will understand is how Pepe can be such an agressive scumbag sometimes literally trying to hurt his opponents and then at the same time whining when he gets pushed a little bit.


New member
I hate Pepe and I think he shouldn't be allowed on the pitch. In terms of Melo, watching him for almost 2 years at Gala now, he has changed, knowing his bad image he had, he really tries to control himself. The real difference between them is: Melo is not a coward as Pepe is. What I never will understand is how Pepe can be such an agressive scumbag sometimes literally trying to hurt his opponents and then at the same time whining when he gets pushed a little bit.

exactly!!! this is the main concern: you can be a very very tough player, alway on the edge of getting sent off, fouls without the ball, unsportmanslike conducts etc and you can be a pussy player who goes down easily, fake injuries, always complain at the referee. BUT if you are both of them in one person, you are not a player anymore, you are the essence of hypocritism, you are a joke!!!

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