Quique Setien


Senior Member
The communication between Quique Setién and Barça's dressing room does not work, and the first distance between the new manager and his players has already taken place. [Cat Radio]

Dead man walking already. We never heard any reports of these sorts even in Valverde's worst moments. Enjoy the trophyless season lads and pop some champagne to getting rid of Dickverde!

because the dude was a cuck, a door mat the seniors could walk all over. as soon as a manager tries to change things and requires more training they distance themselves :lol: our players are a bunch of pussies, no doubt one of those in the dressing room 'unhappy' is Pique


Senior Member
Lmao, you mean to tell me players are more upset/disconnected about a loss to Valencia than historic CL humiliations not once, BUT TWICE.

Miss me with that bullshit, dawg.

What the players feel internally and inside the locker room are often far from a mirror image of what fans expect to be going on.

Valverde did not come in and try to revolutionize the club. That is one of the reasons he got sacked later on, but for our older core players in decline that is something they surely appreciated. He did not attempt to reinvent the wheel with some horrific 3 at the back experiment, nor did he tell players incapable of pressing hard and committing themselves too far up the pitch to do just that. It was always a simple 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 with rigid midfielders and Messi, Alba and Suarez being given license to create in attack. This obviously created many issues in the CL, but EV was able to ride it to 2 Ligas and a Copa title in 2.5 years.

He was a likeable bloke and someone who made the veterans feel comfortable. He played it safe took the pragmatic approach to moderate success. He was sacked while we were still sitting atop of the league and in both cup competitions, so it is not that hard to believe the players are skeptical of the new no-name 61 year old gaffer way in over his head trying to create a revolution midseason while producing mediocre results thus far.

I read Serghei suggest the coach is at the top of the hierarchy therefore the players should respect him by default. In an ideal world yes, but in modern football today that is far from the case. The natural response to all this is to bin the veterans and build a new project. I agree that will need to happen soon, but these veterans are still better than all the "talent" at the club currently. They will be phased out on their own timeline over the course of a few years.

Fans are so incredibly out of touch with reality and the psychology of modern football stars. Most of you lot think this is a game of FIFA or Football Manager.


New member
I really dont give a shit what these club de amigos players think or feel. why should the manager, who is in charge of everything and is the boss, give a fuck what these players think or feel about him? why should the club bend down to their choices? to not hurt their little feelings? who gives a shit whether these veterans feel comfortable or not. fact is, they are getting paid to do this, to comply with the manager's instructions and not to complain and cry to the media about the training sessions and how they feel about the manager.

I feel even more disgusted with the Club de Amigos players if all this is true. so they dont like that Setien made them train every single day? or play in a formation they dont like? instead of complaining, they should adapt and get used to it. what a bunch of losers.


Senior Member
There are some players in the squad who don't understand Setién's instructions. They don't know their role in the squad. [cat radio]

He's done, tier 1 source leaking stuff to cat radio.


Well-known member
Setien is trying to fix their game and they are fighting against it? They are happy with Valverde loser ball? That says enough about them as a footballer. They don't care. They want their holidays and play shit football year after year.


Well-known member
because the dude was a cuck, a door mat the seniors could walk all over. as soon as a manager tries to change things and requires more training they distance themselves :lol: our players are a bunch of pussies, no doubt one of those in the dressing room 'unhappy' is Pique

True. It's been paid vacation for too long. This is a rude wakening.


Senior Member
💥 During halftime of the Valencia game, several players openly criticized the team's performance. A few of the more experienced players held a brief meeting of their own to find out why the team had imploded and what they'll do next.

💥 One Barça player said: "It's going to be impossible if we continue this way; we have more players behind the ball than in front of it and shouldn't be happening. We need top be more penetrating and move the ball about quicker because we are making it too easy for Valencia."

💥 The mood inside Barça's dressing room was even bleaker after the game. There were doubts within the team. Some of those doubts are about Setién and his methods.


Setien is done, I knew he would lose the dressing room.


Well-known member
💥 During halftime of the Valencia game, several players openly criticized the team's performance. A few of the more experienced players held a brief meeting of their own to find out why the team had imploded and what they'll do next.

💥 One Barça player said: "It's going to be impossible if we continue this way; we have more players behind the ball than in front of it and shouldn't be happening. We need top be more penetrating and move the ball about quicker because we are making it too easy for Valencia."

💥 The mood inside Barça's dressing room was even bleaker after the game. There were doubts within the team. Some of those doubts are about Setién and his methods.


Setien is done, I knew he would lose the dressing room.

Why aren't the players looking for open space? They didn't do it with Valverde and they aren't doing it now.


Senior Member
Setien is trying to fix their game and they are fighting against it? They are happy with Valverde loser ball? That says enough about them as a footballer. They don't care. They want their holidays and play shit football year after year.

That is only one way of looking at it.

I will pull another analogy.
Majority of guys here on a forum want Barca's DNA football.
You have your own brains, ideas, eyes.

Now imagine when someone (me, for example) comes and say that our football is outdated and dead.
will you guys here follow me and my ideas or will you say: you are an idiot etc?

Well, you are amigos in this case.
Why aren't you open to my ideas?
= because you have your own taste, preferences and ideas.

About Messi and players, they play for 15 years.
They have seen a lot of players and coaches in ttheir careers.
They have their own opinion what is good, what is bad and what is questionable.

You guys just don't want to open the doors to ideas that EV and amigos maybe shared the same views on football.
But due to player's age, that was our limit.

And now we have a rookie coach who might be totally lost in estimations how much our players can run, whether some ideas can be achieved with a current rooster etc.

I don't know what you do for living in a real life, but you have probably met guys at your work for whom you could say: this guy is a genious, this guy is ok and this guy doesn't understand anything.

People here are so blinded by their hate towards EV that they think that surely: EV was wrong in everything and that Setien is probably better (since no one can be worse than EV). And in this case, you assume that players are surely a problem.
And you aren't opening doors to an option: there is a strong reason why Setien was fired from the last two midtable clubs and why he was working with cows on his farm until 2 weeks ago.

I mean, what if he has totally wrong, shitty or outdated ideas and players can see that?
But no, Serghei will reply: players have to listen to a coach.
I mean, Barto hired EV.
So, Barto is not too bright.
Barto almost hired Unzue 3 years ago.
Barto had Roberto, Braida, Segura and Abidal as sporting directors.
Barto gave long contracts to Suarez, Busi, Raki and co.

Are you sure that Barto is competent?
And there isn't a possibility that Setien is just a hortible misfit with wrong or totally outdated tactics?

You mentioned Valverde loserball.
What if players and EV talked and agreed about their flaws and together decided that a lower intensity tactics with less movement is the only way to go with our old players?

And a new coach comes and says: you will run like 20 years old kids.
But mister, we are not 20 years old kids...

Or about tactics and positions: Messi played under Rijkaard, Pep, Tito, Tata, Lucho, EV, Setien. 7 Barca's coaches with different ideas.
He (and Busi, Pique) have a nice sample of coaches already.
Don't you think that they are allowed to say and think: wow, this is weird or feels wrong, we suck in this formation...

I mean, for years fans used to say: EV hates Dembele.
Yet, Dembele was probably dumb as fuck on training grounds and there was a reason why a coach and some players gave up on him.
Now, what if a coach is equally as wrong or bad as Dembele?

You guys started with an idea that he is surely way better than EV.
Do you have ANY proofs that he is any good and better than anyone or EV?

All we know about him is that he had a mediocre midtable coaching career, outdated coaching ideas and that Barca is probably too big job for him.

For example, Kovac at Bayern.
Did president and some players turned a back on him because they were spoiled or because he is not good enough for Bayern and everyone, including players have realized that he is lost and clueless at the highest level?
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Senior Member
I'm beginning to think that we should have kept Valverde after all. I really do.

It seems as if 2 straight blowouts in the CL wasn't enough for some people at the club.

Another 4 or 5 nil drubbing would have surely helped some of these amigos to get their heads out of their asses.

How about losing another Copa final? That would have woke up some of these daft fans aswell.

Losing to Athleti a couple weeks ago clearly wasn't enough. We should have kept Ev to let him do what he does best.

Get hammered in the CL, and then give the team 2 days off so guys like Rakitic can party in Seville and THEN get hammered again a week later in another final like some bums.

Too bad we fired this guy. Sometimes it's better if you hit rock bottom.




Senior Member
These veteranos need to fuck off asap. I'm sick of their crap. Even if Dickverde was a shit coach which he was there is no excuse for the cl humiliations.
These guys are a bunch of entitled pussies who will fall on their own swords.


Senior Member
instead of complaining, they should adapt and get used to it. what a bunch of losers.

Remember when someone on our forum posts some crazy idea like:
4231 with Dembele-Messi-Griezz-Suarez in attack.

Do we actually need to test that formation or are we allowed to say: it won't work. It is too attacking. Messi won't defend as a CAM.

Or if someone says: we should try Frenkie-Arthur-Riki away at Anfield.
Do we actually need to test that horrible idea for 1 year or are we allowed to say: lol, too soft, zero defending, we will lose 7:0.

Now, WHAT IF Setien's ideas in a lockerroom are totally wild, weird and illogical, that even players started to lose nerves after only 3 matches?

I mean, we didn't score against 11 men for 2 La liga matches in a row, we could have conceded 5-6 goals, almost lost to Ibiza, defense is a joke, we have no wingers, attack is chaotic and half of a team play out of position.

There are two options in this moment:
1. Amigos are spoiled and Setien hadn't done anything wrong
2. Or Setien's ideas are totally crazy and illogical that even players lost their nerves

We'll get the answer soon.
To be continued...
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Senior Member
I'm beginning to think that we should have kept Valverde after all. I really do.

It seems as if 2 straight blowouts in the CL wasn't enough for some people at the club.

Another 4 or 5 nil drubbing would have surely helped some of these amigos to get their heads out of their asses.

How about losing another Copa final? That would have woke up some of these daft fans aswell.

Losing to Athleti a couple weeks ago clearly wasn't enough. We should have kept Ev to let him do what he does best.

Get hammered in the CL, and then give the team 2 days off so guys like Rakitic can party in Seville and THEN get hammered again a week later in another final like some bums.

Too bad we fired this guy. Sometimes it's better if you hit rock bottom.



A question:
If Setien will lose against Napoli, how will you rate that defeat:
The same as Roma/Liverpool?
Less bad since he didn't lose 3:0 advantage?
More bad because we lost in 1/8 stage against a no name team?

I have a feeling that losing to a best team in the world (Liverpool) will still be worse than a possible exit to a mighty Napoli, right?

Or imagine: losing to Napoli and losing La Liga.
Will EV still be worse and a cancer?

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