Quique Setien


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Club de Amigos now



Senior Member
So let me get this straight. Professional athletes, who earn millions since the age of 20 will complain about training to be more fit. And that should be a problem for us because??

Professional athletes are basically a pampered bunch of pussies. Compare their training with elite tactical units and you will wonder why these pussies get paid so much.


Senior Member
It's 15 days into 2020 and these Valverde supporting clowns have already racked up more L's than most people will this entire decade.


Senior Member
Elite mentality from Setien. Learning from the best, dawg.


"We are tired...fuck you"


Well-known member
If I have plans to rebel, - I would not start arguing, what for? Instead just lose 0-3 the first game. Sepien wont continue very long with an super-high intense training. Arguing is not the right means in that situation.

Maybe Sepiens viscious plan is to have 3 days of really hard training and then on Friday he is doing an open-standardized laliga fitness test, how fast a midfielder runs for example..... which rates players and surprise surprise Pique, Busi, Raki fail miserbly and they will get benched from now on :-D So it was not him to decide, but the players how did not run fast enough :p

Brilliant, that's exactly what the sadist in me wished for hahaha! Slack-time is over! Hard core training sessions, gives equal chance to the rising stars and selects on merit. :salute:

Dude's got a passion for chess, has a rep for playing hard-ball with boards (err not chess boards but management) and is fanatical about tactics. Loving it!!!

It's gonna be super interesting to observe all the changes that follow this new appointment, cuz the diff with Valv is kinda rad.


Senior Member
Loving the new project already, some of these players probably haven't trained this hard in years. No wonder we always get blown away in CL.


There is no risk of changing mid-season coaches in a club like Barcelona, ​​which remains the leader. All is not lost and it can be a victory for the club.
it's nice to have fired Valverde.
it was a big mistake to have hired him in 2017; it is not compatible with barça.
His football is neither offensive nor defensive.
I don't remember what match he played Dembélé in the back right.
What a fool!

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