Quique Setien


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The goal wasn't a spark of magic created out of Messi's ass, it was a one-touch teamwork goal, a type goal that's been very rare in the Valverde era.

Plus, we should've killed it in the first half. We created plenty of chances.


Senior Member
yeah brillant move thanks a new magic instruction and tattics of Setien, never seen before.

Ok, have a nice day

I wouldn't say never seen before. But it's been a while.

Saved by Messi has always been said when Messi pulled a rabbit out of his hat. I hope he continues to do so, but any player in his position would score that goal this time. Is that so hard to grasp?


Senior Member
I wouldn't say never seen before. But it's been a while.

Saved by Messi has always been said when Messi pulled a rabbit out of his hat. I hope he continues to do so, but any player in his position would score that goal this time. Is that so hard to grasp?

you are right, any player in his position, but you have to be there at right moment, and thanks the new magic instruction and tattics of Setien, Messi was able to be there.
I was wrong, Messi never did such movements, thanks Setien, it's been a while.
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Senior Member
yeah brillant move thanks a new magic instruction and tattics of Setien, never seen before.

Ok, have a nice day

Least shots conceded this WHOLE SEASON - check
Most passes attempted this WHOLE SEASON - 1005 - check
18 shots - Second joint highest this season.
Plays Fati and riqui when the stacks are highest - check
We lost to granada this season 2-0.
3 points are here.


Senior Member
wow !!! vs Grandada at home ! what a performance, we could score only when granada played with 10 players..

Up until that point we got other big chances to score. How is Setien's fault that Fati doesn't know how to score ? He received a perfect pass from Alba and he just had to put it in the net but he missed the ball with his feet. If he scored that or the other big chance he got , goals would have poured because Granada would have tried more to score.

The true is that: with this performance and result with EV as coach, the coach would have been insulted as usual.

So when was last time we won with Ernesto a game in which we had over 80% possesion , dominated all game , pretty much shut the other team down making them have like 1 chance to score all game, play with Rakitic-Busi-Vidal midfield and them actually not looking as shit as always but actually moving more , passing better and faster, overall looking better and Ernesto getting absolute shit for it ?


Senior Member
There is literally nothing that will make some people be a little bit more lenient. Not overexcited or anything like that. Just be able to see the positives and negatives in an objective manner. There were negatives of course. We can go over them. But there is no point if someone refuses to acknowledge anything positive. Their mind is made up.


Senior Member
It was definitely a step forward, but if this is just an uptick remains to be seen in the following months. The thing that pissed me off under Valverde was the amount of received goals in the first 1/4 of the game. 1 chance against was a progress, although they were quite unlucky with that strike. Defensive part, pressing seemed much better which also leads to higher possession %. Offence seemed awkward at times, but there was more movement, more passing. It takes time to automate.

All on all, quite encouraging.


Senior Member
It should also be a given that Arthur and FDJ will play more, over Vidal and Rakitic when fit and available. That is my hope at least.
It was a total bore fest. You can draw some positives but people in here are already calling it the game of the season :lol:
Valverde would have been murdered for this kind of shit match and result

Of course he would have. 'Bumverde' would have been trending on this forum no doubt. I have been asking for positivity from this forum from since I joined but what we are seeing now is nothing but pure delusion.

I've said it once and I will say it a million times. The way people judge the things you do are not dependant upon the quality of the actual things you do. They are entirely dependant on the pre conceived way you feel about the person doing the act.

It took me a long time to learn this great truth and this forum the past week has been a perfect example of it. Thank you to all forum members.
You cannot judge a manager after one game, however you can judge some inexplicable decision that were made in said game.

1) Why set Roberto to ' stay back while attacking at home to Granada when attacking is his beat asset?

2) Why persist with Umtiti when he is clearly a shadow of the player he was and has no future here. Lenglet isn't great but is better. Why not try Araujo, it's Granada home after all.

3) Why play the Busi Raki combo that has an almost 100% failure rate. If your not going to start Puig when Arthur and FDJ are out then when will you ever start him. Isn't it more risky to start with a combo that has failed all season?

4) We all know Griezmann can't play LW. Now Suarez is out he doesn't need to. But he still played LW and Fati played RW. Inexplicably.


Senior Member
The best way to deal with valverde apologists is to just be positive when things are positive for the team and to not be defensive of Setien if there is a poor result. The difference this game to others was enormous. We created a few decent chances, had plenty of shots and gave away probably one decent chance.


Senior Member
Of course he would have. 'Bumverde' would have been trending on this forum no doubt. I have been asking for positivity from this forum from since I joined but what we are seeing now is nothing but pure delusion.

I've said it once and I will say it a million times. The way people judge the things you do are not dependant upon the quality of the actual things you do. They are entirely dependant on the pre conceived way you feel about the person doing the act.

It took me a long time to learn this great truth and this forum the past week has been a perfect example of it. Thank you to all forum members.

Of course that is true. It is hard to distance ourselves from our established opinions when assessing a situation. But it's not entirely impossible.

There is another clear pattern emerging here though.

You can easily spot, that most users (not all) that have supported EV, are immensely biased against Setien and can spot nothing good at all from our first game, while being extremely harsh on their judgment (I repeat, on the first game after less than a week of training the team).

On the other hand, you can also see that most members (not all again) of the "Valverde out" group are not immensely biased in favour of Setien. Many users have stated that if Setien does stupid things and doesn't improve the team after a couple of months have passed, they will call him out. All they have been saying is give the man a couple of weeks at least. Is that so illogical? Of course not.

On top of that, some members of the "Valverde out" group, aren't even in favour of Setien's appointment, as they feel we could bring someone with more experience at the top level. I don't feel this will stop them from judging things more objectively than the "Valverde cult".

The only conclusion I can make out of all this, is that people who supported EV, are too thick to admit they were wrong and will cherry pick anything in favour of their stance all this time. They have been watching our match with the sole expectation for the team to fail so they can support their opinion. That doesn't sound like a Barca fan at all to me.


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You cannot judge a manager after one game, however you can judge some inexplicable decision that were made in said game.

1) Why set Roberto to ' stay back while attacking at home to Granada when attacking is his beat asset?

2) Why persist with Umtiti when he is clearly a shadow of the player he was and has no future here. Lenglet isn't great but is better. Why not try Araujo, it's Granada home after all.

3) Why play the Busi Raki combo that has an almost 100% failure rate. If your not going to start Puig when Arthur and FDJ are out then when will you ever start him. Isn't it more risky to start with a combo that has failed all season?

4) We all know Griezmann can't play LW. Now Suarez is out he doesn't need to. But he still played LW and Fati played RW. Inexplicably.

Inexplicable? There are logical answers to all your questions.

1. Because he was a RCB this game, basically the same role as Umtiti. One should rather ask why Semedo wasn't in that role instead. But Quique himself said they had alternative lineups but in the end they went with this one.

2. Persist? How is Quique persisting with Umtiti? Lenglet was one yellow away from getting suspended vs Valencia, maybe that's why he didn't play. Quique's view on Piqué's partner can't be answered at the moment.

3. Busi Raki usually don't get exposed against lesser teams. Sure I would've wanted Riqui to start instead of Raki, but so far Quique's handled Riqui well and I'm sure we'll see more of him even if Arthur and Frenkie are back.

4. Griezmann was a striker with Messi. And I disagree that he can't play LW. He's shown a positive curve at LW and there's nothing that indicates that it can't get better. Let's see what Setién has in mind for Griezmann. It's probably at the top of his priorities to find a suitable role for Antoine.


Senior Member
You cannot judge a manager after one game, however you can judge some inexplicable decision that were made in said game.

1) Why set Roberto to ' stay back while attacking at home to Granada when attacking is his beat asset?

2) Why persist with Umtiti when he is clearly a shadow of the player he was and has no future here. Lenglet isn't great but is better. Why not try Araujo, it's Granada home after all.

3) Why play the Busi Raki combo that has an almost 100% failure rate. If your not going to start Puig when Arthur and FDJ are out then when will you ever start him. Isn't it more risky to start with a combo that has failed all season?

4) We all know Griezmann can't play LW. Now Suarez is out he doesn't need to. But he still played LW and Fati played RW. Inexplicably.

1. Roberto played a good game though. I would have prefered to see Semedo too, and hope we will on the next game. Didn't like that either.

2. Umtiti had a great game and is a far better player than Lenglet can ever be. His form is an issue, but he will never recover it if not playing at all. Araujo is not one of our top 3 center backs. Umtiti needs to be tested though, because at some point he will have to step up. That was a good decision.

3. I hate the Raki Busi combo too. Arthur could not start the game, so ok with that. But, Puig could start the game in my mind. Perhaps he didn't want to put all the pressure on him. Still Raki should not play for this team, I hope Setien realises this soon enough. (He kind of did in the second half. Better next time to leave him out of the squad list)

4. They should have played opposite sides. I don't understand why he didn't start them like that. Bad decision in my opinion.
Re above John and Andresito. We are generally on the same page with a lot of the points discussed. Only thing I disagree with is AG can't play LW for me. No excuse for Puig not starting. If he can't take the pressure at home vs Granada then he has no business having a future here.

The one thing I disagree strongly with both of you on though is Umtiti. He has a barrel of mistakes in him just waiting to get out. I would literally not play him another minute.

Also, things are not as clear as EV supporters vs Setien supporters. There are guys like me who are happy EV is gone but are incredibly frustrated we didn't replace him with a truly world class manager.

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