Radamel Falcao


San Claudio Bravo
You can tell an ACL tear from a simple physical exam. More tests are made to determine the extent of the tear, or to check for other ligament damage that often come as part of an ACL tear.

Again this are all rumors still, but they are out there, and simple test in the locker room could have sufficed to start them.

I do hope their wrong though. This is awful.


New member
He's out. Even if he's fit to play the WC he won't be in good shape. I don't think he'll play anyway.

A footballer surgeon said on RMC that he should not even if by miracle he's cured in just 5 months, because he would have great chance to get injured again right after.

Even if he's cured after 5 months, he would need at least a month to get fit and get muscles to avoid to get injured again or he would not play as 100%.

In short, he's out.


Active member
I feel sorry for him, truly unlucky. He could get an upportunity and get some good performances on WC with Colombia. That eases some of the weight for Greece thought.


New member
Damn was looking forward to seeing Colombia with Falcao leading the line. Who else is missing the WC?


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