Rafael Márquez


Bomb Dropper
me too, for sure. rio for all his class only got godly around 27.

piqué can get there much sooner and who knows where he can go from there.

the comparison was simply in terms of style of play.


immaculately conceived
Pep must have cursed his start today. The time and space the Cb's got from Almeria to run forward and pick a teammate for the pass was ri-di-culous. Piqué would have had a field day, only he came in when nobody really wanted to play anymore.


V.H. 4 life
Well you'd think you have space in the midfield until you lose the ball and then bam only 2 defenders back. Pique almost cost us a goal aswell when he wanted to play CF. It was the type of team where you have to unleash Yaya on, head first.


New member
i never liked marquez from the beginning
i always skip a beat when he touches the ball cos he always tries to do too much
whne he gets the ball, most of the times we lose possession
just like in the game against almeria..
in the beginning he kept on launching long balls to mexico,
and that spoiled our game plan..
normally we play short passes and slowly build up but marquez spoils it
by sending long balls and then we lose possession..
breaks the rythmm..


Senior Member
Rafa is probably the best in starting attacks from the back....When there is a target man upfront his long balls can be very useful and now that we 've one in Zlatan, i dont see the harm in doing it...U cant keep relying on short passing all the time esp against parked buses. U need to be unpredictable, mix things up and add variety to ur game if u want to win games and thats where some1 like rafa can be very useful. Defenders like him are a rare breed ...His slick long range passing/balls, intelligence can open up the most stubborn defences.
Defensively he can be a liability at times, but u cant deny the quality he has in an attacking sense...
Tell me if all the long balls in the video were of no use...


And i didnt watch the Almeria game, so i cant comment on his launching long balls in the first half...If he did, it must be on pep's instructions, even if it wasn't i wudn't mind him doing it...coz this aspect of his game can only be helpful to us.
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La Furia

Legion of Doooom
i never liked marquez from the beginning
i always skip a beat when he touches the ball cos he always tries to do too much
whne he gets the ball, most of the times we lose possession
just like in the game against almeria..
in the beginning he kept on launching long balls to mexico,
and that spoiled our game plan..
normally we play short passes and slowly build up but marquez spoils it
by sending long balls and then we lose possession..
breaks the rythmm..

Yeah, I'm sure his long balls are done directly against the coaches instructions, because short passes are the solution for every single possession. Doing the same thing over and over again is the sure road to success!


Bomb Dropper
Hey, it worked for the British army in WWI (it helps at this point if you've watched Blackadder).


but anyway, let's not needlessly cuss rafa. he's a barca player and is fucking skilled out the wazoo. his long-passing is downright sexy at times. that pass to ronaldinho vs. chelsea in the CL group game at the camp nou in 06/07 was deeeeeliteful!

and anyway, he'll fuck up soon enough and then we can cuss him for that. :D

for now, VIVA ZAPATA!

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