so, only madridistas here are Beast and Wolfe here right now? thats sad, Raed better jump on this Mourinho-is-so-damn-great-guy wagon or he will probably become just a joke of a fan
Maybe Raed can get himself a tatoo of Mou and so get forgivness for his former failings
I am the equivalent of Littlefinger.
"I have a fantastic president who is very intelligent and with whom I have a great friendship. I also have a director general who works for the club 24 hours a day, so my motivation is enormous and my Madridismo is even greater than that of some pseudo-Madridistas. There is no way I'm leaving. No way!"
"I also wish to apologise to Madridistas, and only to them, for my attitude in our last game. Some people are better adapted to the hypocrisy in football than I am, and they hide their faces and speak in whispers deep inside tunnels."
- Jose Mourinho, from ESPN Soccernet
Do you guys know of any Real Madrid equivalent to barcaforum? I've been looking around a bit and the only major 1 i found was in spanish.
Know your enemy and all that..hehe. I was kind of curious to see what they have to say about the mourinho incident.
I don't think there is any big RM forums in English. The rm fans in forums in Spanish are happy with Mourinho, they think it was a "funny" incident and they justify that arguing Barca incited his behaviour with provocations. so basically whole bunch of sheep being abduced by the clown, although there is a minority who started critics against him