Real Madrid (old thread)

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It became part of their crest because it was part of King Alfonso XIII's crown.
Alfonso supported the military uprising against The Popular Front, who advocated for Catalan independence.

So it's awesome that they are removing bits of that royal ****'s crown.

What the hell are you talking about?

That particular royal crown has nothing to do with Alfonso XIII apart from him bestowing the royal crown in the emblem to Real Madrid (and a number of other clubs - the first being Real Sociedad - since then always referred to as "Real" in Spain).

The cross at the top of the royal crown is a part of the Royal Standard of Spain and is a symbol of Christian Spain.

Removing it is not only a lack of respect for the clubs history but Spain as a country and it's identity.

Imagine FC Barcelona removing the St George cross (Saint George is the patron saint of Barcelona city among many others (Milan as well) just because some rich sheikh (a title they received from their former British colonial masters - before that they where simple bedouins) somehow finds it offensive to display Christian symbols.

The Qatar Foundation deal was bad enough but this probably tops it.
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Pepe Silvia

Active member
What the hell are you talking about?

That particular royal crown has nothing to do with Alfonso XIII apart from him bestowing the royal crown in the emblem to Real Madrid (and a number of other clubs - the first being Real Sociedad - since then always referred to as "Real" in Spain).

The cross at the top of the royal crown is a part of the Royal Standard of Spain and is a symbol of Christian Spain.

Removing it is not only a lack of respect for the clubs history but Spain as a country and it's identity.

Imagine FC Barcelona removing the St George cross (Saint George is the patron saint of Barcelona city among many others (Milan as well) just because some rich sheikh (a title they received from their former British colonial masters - before that they where simple bedouins) somehow finds it offensive to display Christian symbols.

The Qatar Foundation deal was bad enough but this probably tops it.
dalitis8 getting sonned in the afterlife :lol:


New member
It's not like they are stuck with the same crest forever...

Neither are we.

Hardly disrespectful, in my opinion.

Spain changes, Real Madrid changes.


New member
dalitis8 getting sonned in the afterlife :lol:

What the hell has the idiot Daltis8 to do with this?

It's not like they are stuck with the same crest forever...

Neither are we.

Hardly disrespectful, in my opinion.

Spain changes, Real Madrid changes.

I reacted to your post which made no sense whatsoever.

Nobody said that but you don't see major changes. In fact only cosmetic changes usually. Not a strong simple as the royal emblem and the cross it displays.

Do you even understand what is discussed?

RM are NOT going to change their crest they are just removing the cross at the top of the Royal crown at their new UAE theme park :)lol:) because some intolerant sheikh (a title he got from his former British colonial masters) somehow finds it offensive. That's pathetic.

There is a reason why this has caused huge controversy among the SPANISH RM fans.

A further explanation of RM's self-perception and connection to Spain and the royal house is hopefully unnecessary.

Imagine FC Barcelona removing the St George cross (Saint George is the patron saint of Barcelona city among many others (Milan as well) just because someone somehow finds it offensive to display Christian symbols.

Or what about removing the cross in the Danish flag (you are Danish right?). Afterall flags/crest changes.....
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New member
Or what about removing the cross in the Danish flag (you are Danish right?). Afterall flags/crest changes.....

I am not a big supporter of religion, so actually I wouldn't mind that.
That's a whole other discussion, though! XD
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New member
athos = dalitis8 ;)

I can spot that band wagon mentality from a mile away.


I don't know who dalitis8 is...

Nor am I a Barca bandwagoner for saying that the RM crest has changed over time.

Also in your opinion (Duc and Pepe) was it disrespectful that we removed the Crown of Aragon and the Bat of King James?


New member
athos = dalitis8 ;)

I can spot that band wagon mentality from a mile away.


Sorry Pepe. I think I misunderstood your comment;)

I am not a big supporter of the royal family or religion, so actually I wouldn't mind that.
That's a whole other discussion, though! XD

Well my point is not what you like or what I like. I am still astonished that you want to change your flag (the worlds oldest if I am not mistaken but that's another discussion that has no place here)

The point is that RM, a club proud of their connection to the Royal family and connection to Spain and it's identity (a big part of that is Christianity) finds it necessary to remove the Christian cross on their emblem just because some intolerant Sheikh somehow finds it offensive to display Christian symbols in a RM theme park. I find that pathetic. Both that the club is actually willing to remove it and the demand from this Sheikh or whoever that finds it offensive to display RM's original crest.

I don't know who dalitis8 is...

Nor am I a Barca bandwagoner for saying that the RM crest has changed over time.

Also in your opinion (Duc and Pepe) was it disrespectful that we removed the Crown of Aragon and the Bat of King James?

The club WANTED to change the crest. As far as I know RM only removed the cross from their emblem because they HAD to. Two very different situations.

I will give you the same example yet again because you seem to not understand my point.

Imagine FC Barcelona removing the St George cross (Saint George is the patron saint of Barcelona city among many others (Milan as well) just because someone somehow finds it offensive to display Christian symbols. Or what about the Catalan flag? After all Catalonia is a Christian region/country. Do you think the regular Catalan FCB fan would be pleased with that? Would you as a fan be pleased with our board for doing such a thing? I would certainly not.

But since you are even indifferent to your country and it's traditions you would probably not care. And that's of course your opinion. I have given my opinion on this.
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Pepe Silvia

Active member
Its selling out. The same way rossell sold us out to qatar but worse because of the symbolism extending from mere sponsorship (no logos tradition) in to something beyond sports in religion (cross rep Jesus). Yikes...


New member
My point is that it has changed before, therefore it can change again.
Also the fanbases of all the big European clubs are becoming increasingly international.

An identity can change is all I'm saying.

Also quickly going back to the changing of the Danish flag! XD
It's not like I WANT to change it. It's just that I wouldn't mind it.
I don't really know what the alternative would be either. XD

What makes me Danish is not the flag I hoist. (I don't hoist flags either, really.)
What makes me a Barcelona fan is not the crest on my shirt either.
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New member
My point is that it has changed before, therefore it can change again.
Also the fanbases of all the big European clubs are becoming increasingly international.

An identity can change is all I'm saying.

Also quickly going back to the changing of the Danish flag! XD
It's not like I WANT to change it. It's just that I wouldn't mind it.
I don't really know what the alternative would be either. XD

What makes me Danish is not the flag I hoist. (I don't hoist flags either, really.)

Since Alfonso XIII bestowed the Royal Crown to RM no symbols have been removed or changed only the nuances of the colours. Just like in every other big club with respect for it's own traditions and history. You also seem unable to understand the self-perception RM has of itself as an institution and how the Spanish fans view their club.

Yeah everything can in theory change. Tomorrow Denmark could change its name and everything else that is considered Danish. But that's not how the reality works.

No but whether you like it or not the majority of Danes (and every other nationality for that matter) usually have a connection to their flag, past and traditions.

But I look forward to Denmark changing its flag....

But this discussion is not about Denmark so let us leave that out.

I have voiced my opinion on the matter so further discussion is pretty much pointless since you are unable to understand the situation.
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New member
It won't, I just said I wouldn't mind it. Stop bothering me.
Yes, many do have a connection.
That has little to do with changing, though.
Should we have kept being Æsir, just because it is the traditional religion?

Things, identities, crests etc. evolve.


barça amor d mi alma
Its selling out. The same way rossell sold us out to qatar but worse because of the symbolism extending from mere sponsorship (no logos tradition) in to something beyond sports in religion (cross rep Jesus). Yikes...


The sponsorship agreement with Qatar Foundation, through Qatar Sports Investment, fulfills the interests of our club. It is also good because it will help FC Barcelona to resolve its most pressing problems. Qatar Sports Investment will pay FC Barcelona 165 million €. Thanks to this agreement, the brand “FC Barcelona” will stand as the undisputed leader in the world football market, leaving its international competitors far behind.

FC Barcelona has not signed an agreement with a commercial brand, but with a foundation –Qatar Foundation- that shares the same values as the club. In doing so, we strengthen the message of solidarity on FC Barcelona’s jersey. Qatar Foundation is a non governmental organization with non profit motive that was founded in 1945 and was built on three pillars: education, science and research. The foundation is open to everybody. We would like to point out that Unicef is collaborating with the Qatari Government and that the country is constructively working in favour of children’s rights. Qatar has positively responded to the suggestions given by Unicef in order to improve certain policies and practices related to children.

This agreement responds to the delicate financial situation of the club. For the time being, the money that FC Barcelona will receive will help pay the club’s debt, so that FC Barcelona can be a stronger club in the near future. It is true that we had other options to combat the debt (we could raise membership fees, sell the club’s patrimony or disband some sports sections), but the Board has not considered these options.

Finally, in 2003 the delegates approved the possibility of signing a sponsorship deal for FC Barcelona’s jersey, therefore another debate in the Assembly was not needed. However, in the next Delagates’ Assembly the representatives will be provided with all the information available, because FC Barcelona members are the owners of the club. If they believed it necessary, the delegates could contest and stop the agreement with Qatar Foundation.

Reach out to South Asia Project :


6 universities at Education City:

* 1998 Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar opened offering programs in arts and design
* 2002 Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar opened
* 2003 Texas A&M University at Qatar opened offering programs in engineering
* 2004 Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar opened offering programs in computer science, business and information systems
* 2005 Georgetown School of Foreign Service in Qatar opened offering programs in international affairs
* 2008 Northwestern University in Qatar opened offering programs in journalism and communication
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