Real Madrid (old thread)

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The sponsorship agreement with Qatar Foundation, through Qatar Sports Investment, fulfills the interests of our club. It is also good because it will help FC Barcelona to resolve its most pressing problems. Qatar Sports Investment will pay FC Barcelona 165 million €. Thanks to this agreement, the brand “FC Barcelona” will stand as the undisputed leader in the world football market, leaving its international competitors far behind.

FC Barcelona has not signed an agreement with a commercial brand, but with a foundation –Qatar Foundation- that shares the same values as the club. In doing so, we strengthen the message of solidarity on FC Barcelona’s jersey. Qatar Foundation is a non governmental organization with non profit motive that was founded in 1945 and was built on three pillars: education, science and research. The foundation is open to everybody. We would like to point out that Unicef is collaborating with the Qatari Government and that the country is constructively working in favour of children’s rights. Qatar has positively responded to the suggestions given by Unicef in order to improve certain policies and practices related to children.

This agreement responds to the delicate financial situation of the club. For the time being, the money that FC Barcelona will receive will help pay the club’s debt, so that FC Barcelona can be a stronger club in the near future. It is true that we had other options to combat the debt (we could raise membership fees, sell the club’s patrimony or disband some sports sections), but the Board has not considered these options.

Finally, in 2003 the delegates approved the possibility of signing a sponsorship deal for FC Barcelona’s jersey, therefore another debate in the Assembly was not needed. However, in the next Delagates’ Assembly the representatives will be provided with all the information available, because FC Barcelona members are the owners of the club. If they believed it necessary, the delegates could contest and stop the agreement with Qatar Foundation.

The same country that uses slave labour, supports Islamists, tortures its political opponents and is a dictatorship that works closely with another dictatorship in Saudi Arabia?

It all looks nice when you read the description but in fact it is just as disgusting as our past connection to Uzbekistan. A simple Google search concerning human rights in Qatar should tell you everything.

But as usual money talks. And frankly I have accepted it because that's how it is unfortunately but we should not pretend something that is not the case.


barça amor d mi alma
The same country that uses slave labour, supports Islamists, tortures its political opponents and is a dictatorship that works closely with another dictatorship in Saudi Arabia?

It all looks nice when you read the description but in fact it is just as disgusting as our past connection to Uzbekistan. A simple Google search concerning human rights in Qatar should tell you everything.

But as usual money talks. And frankly I have accepted it because that's how it is unfortunately but we should not pretend something that is not the case.

I know !! Don't worry I was just posting the relevant clarification club gave us on this subject. It is unfortunate and terribly wrong but at the same time imagine we are not being able to pay fees to the players or have to disband some sports sections . But the choice is quite humiliating on the other hand. Rosell's connection with Qatar is nothing new and corrupt as fuck.


New member
The same country that uses slave labour, supports Islamists, tortures its political opponents and is a dictatorship that works closely with another dictatorship in Saudi Arabia?

It all looks nice when you read the description but in fact it is just as disgusting as our past connection to Uzbekistan. A simple Google search concerning human rights in Qatar should tell you everything.

But as usual money talks. And frankly I have accepted it because that's how it is unfortunately but we should not pretend something that is not the case.

Changing would be disrespectful to their history and identity, right? View attachment 5231


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I know !! Don't worry I was just posting the relevant clarification club gave us on this subject. It is unfortunate and terribly wrong but at the same time imagine we are not being able to pay fees to the players or have to disband some sports sections . But the choice is quite humiliating on the other hand. Rosell's connection with Qatar is nothing new and corrupt as fuck.

Well that is why I somehow understand it, as contradictory it may sound.

I loved the UNICEF connection but I have never and will never support the Qatar connection from a personal standpoint. Sure, financially it is excellent but that's another discussion.


You are more stupid than I first thought.

I will give you some homework for tomorrow. Read about Spain's and RM's history and how the latter view itself as a club and how their fans view their club and its tradition.

And classy to make fun of dictatorships and their crimes. Well done.
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barça amor d mi alma
Well that is why I somehow understand it, as contradictory it may sound.

I loved the UNICEF connection but I have never and will never support the Qatar connection from a personal standpoint. Sure, financial it is excellent but that's another discussion.


You are more stupid than I first thought.

I will give you some homework for tomorrow. Read about Spain's and RM's history and how the latter view itself as a club and what their fans self-perception of their club is.

And classy to make fun of dictatorships and their crimes. Well done.

Imagine, Rosell clarified that we had other options like increasing members fee and etc and the board declined it . And took the Qatar deal and the moment he gets the money , he closes the Membership to locals only !! He could have easily ignored that and considering the popularity of BARCA at the moment , Club could have been earning in millions in few years . But instead of improving the member infrastructure , he chose to take the Sponsorship deal and close the membership to locals.


New member
So you comparing dictatorships and their crimes to harmless traditions in countries and among football clubs and the lack of respect for traditions and history when you choose to change your own crest because some intolerant sheikh finds it offensive?

Well done. And please do not reply since I have already wasted enough time with you and fools alike.

Imagine, Rosell clarified that we had other options like increasing members fee and etc and the board declined it . And took the Qatar deal and the moment he gets the money , he closes the Membership to locals only !! He could have easily ignored that and considering the popularity of BARCA at the moment , Club could have been earning in millions in few years . But instead of improving the member infrastructure , he chose to take the Sponsorship deal and close the membership to locals.

Exactly. What is even more disturbing is that thousands of barcelonistas would give a lot to become members but are simple not able to. What is even more pathetic is the fact that the stadium is rarely full in capacity (in fact never) mainly because of club members (season ticket holders) choosing only to attend 33-50 percent of all league games at home. Ridiculous in a lot of ways (especially financially)
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New member
Sir, to be fair, you were the first to make the comparison to countries (Danish flag).

And it was just a silly joke where I used the logic you put forward.

Please, stop acting like you're hurt...


New member
Sir, to be fair, you were the first to make the comparison to countries (Danish flag).

And it was just a silly joke where I used the logic you put forward.

Please, stop acting like you're hurt...

I just found your comment tasteless and completely unnecessary. But if it indeed was just a joke I apologize.

I used the example of the Danish flag because you seemed to ignore my FCB example. So I thought giving you an familar example as an Dane would help. I even pointed out that the discussion has nothing to do with Denmark.

But since we disagree let us stop here;).


could one of the resident madridistas tell me what the big deal about callejon is? all the madrid fans on this forum go on like this guy is actually talented the guy is just mediocre, don't get me wrong i don't expect him to come on and grab a winner with 10 minutes left against valencia, but what exactly does he offer other than completing passes of a scott parker standard? he has grabbed all his goals this season in games where madrid were leading comfortably and he came on near the end to scavenge. he's like the offensive version of khedira, nobody knows the exact reason that they are on the pitch.


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The forum could use a like button.

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