Ronald Koeman


Senior Member
To put it short, we should focus more on stopping the opponent from playing their game, than signing elite defenders (there are none anyway), hoping we block them once they easily get to our box and attack us in numbers from everywhere. The teams that impose their game is almost always winning in the Champions League. Especially since there are no elite defensive sides anymore, like 2010 Inter and Chelsea.

Again, to impose your game, to have midfield playing their game, they need that from their defense too.
I am not ignoring the other aspects, in fact I said they are all important. But you seem to undermine the importance of defenders for defense. And basically throw out their importance for midfield and attack.
Our defensive set up right now is a disaster, for all purposes, defense, midfield and attack.
Sure, you can choose to focus on midfield/attack first, I have no problem with that since fixing defense will likely require an expensive signings like Caglar or Upamecano and we have limited resources, rebuild takes couple of years at least too.


Senior Member
I believe his project got a bit harder with Messi staying and perhaps not being fully motivated. I'm not sure how different this upcoming season will be different from the last. I just hope he gets the players to run and press. How will he fit all of Messi, Coutinho, Griezman, and Trincao in the squad too? Surely one or two of them will go out on loan.
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Senior Member
I found messi interview completely disrespected Koeman.. The way he undermined him. If u going to stay then at least give a shout out to the coach, a glimpse of hope to the fans.. What's up with : there is no project. I'm staying.. I will be playing the same... I.. I..I... Messi grew some ego.. All these years competing with the megalomaniac penaldo transformed him.


Senior Member
I found messi interview completely disrespected Koeman.. The way he undermined him. If u going to stay then at least give a shout out to the coach, a glimpse of hope to the fans.. What's up with : there is no project. I'm staying.. I will be playing the same... I.. I..I... Messi grew some ego.. All these years competing with the megalomaniac penaldo transformed him.

Your right. But Koeman won't give a crap. Probably watched the interview and said "too many words" then turned it off after a minute.


Senior Member
I found messi interview completely disrespected Koeman.. The way he undermined him. If u going to stay then at least give a shout out to the coach, a glimpse of hope to the fans.. What's up with : there is no project. I'm staying.. I will be playing the same... I.. I..I... Messi grew some ego.. All these years competing with the megalomaniac penaldo transformed him.

He said there is a new coach and new ideas which is good.
i don't see how he undermined him?


Well-known member
I found messi interview completely disrespected Koeman.. The way he undermined him. If u going to stay then at least give a shout out to the coach, a glimpse of hope to the fans.. What's up with : there is no project. I'm staying.. I will be playing the same... I.. I..I... Messi grew some ego.. All these years competing with the megalomaniac penaldo transformed him.

man the guy is not a politician. He's not going to cover all angles and recite a carefully crafted diplomatic answers. He just spoke what was on his mind at the time. I could almost sense the gulp in his throat. So sincere...

Leo is competitive in nature. Come game-time, he's gonna give his all and kick ass! you can bank on it.

Roma was a crash. Pool was the burn and Estadio de la Luz was ... f'kin oblivion! Time for the golden phoenix to rise once again.


Senior Member
Your right. But Koeman won't give a crap. Probably watched the interview and said "too many words" then turned it off after a minute.

Bloody hope so. Hope he won't get involved in these politics and will make decisions simply based on what he thinks it's the best for the team.


Senior Member
Carvajal, Kimmich, Arnold, Cancelo, Pereira, Hakimi (RWB, I know) are all better than him. Roberto and Pavard arguably too. Semedo is a good RB but he is not sensational by any means. Has zero awareness in the attacking third. If we could sign Dest, I would do it. Emerson might become a good enough RB as a potential stop-gap and we can cash in on Semedo in a year as well.

Semedo haters :facepalm:...

OK, let's go once again:
We are talking about players you can buy at the moment..
So, Kimmich is out of your list(he doesn't play RB anymore by the way. He has become a CM recently)
Hakimi former RM and just sold, Arnold also (I mentioned both) not for sale.

Then, who is left?
Carvahal? LOL First of all plays for RM, and then we are not in 2016 anymore. Time pases for everyone. Zidane is just myopic in letting Hakimi go.
Cancelo? How many times have you seen him starting for City?I will let you connect the dots... Serie A is a slow league with different standards
Pavard? LOL Good defender. He needs like 4 times the time Semedo needs to run up and down the flank.
Emerson and Dest? Both too raw. Again, we are talking about players you would buy and would make an impact and be better than what you have. Both are gambles with high risk.
Roberto, we all know the answer. He is not an RB, and he will never become. Semedo was always better whenever he played.

So, the only one that is left in your list is Pereira. He is a good player, but still, it's questionable if he is better than Semedo. :ack of interests from top clubs about him is telling.


Senior Member

📰[MD🥈] | Koeman insists on Wijnaldum ahead of Thiago

The Dutch coach wants yes or yes to the middle of Liverpool (29 years), whom he knows perfectly

Ronald prefers the virtues of his countryman in front of the still half of Bayern, who is also free in 2021


Senior Member

📰[MD🥈] | Koeman insists on Wijnaldum ahead of Thiago

The Dutch coach wants yes or yes to the middle of Liverpool (29 years), whom he knows perfectly

Ronald prefers the virtues of his countryman in front of the still half of Bayern, who is also free in 2021

Perfect sense. If we go for Thiago it shows that Koeman still has no transfer power like the previous coaches, as it would be a bet of the board.


Senior Member
I got nothing but sympathy for Leo in all this, but sincerely hoping that Koeman puts the armband on Pique or Ter Stegen.


Senior Member
I got nothing but sympathy for Leo in all this, but sincerely hoping that Koeman puts the armband on Pique

He will be changing a decades of tradition if he does that. Captain arm band is decided by voting between players, not by manager. And tbh it has always worked well for us.

Ter Stegen.

On what planet is Stegen a good leader? I mean people say Messi is bad leader and then suggest the guy who always folds under pressure and never organise our defense to be our captain? ffs

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