

Cruijff's Heir
lol this forum is worse than a catholic church.

Ridiculous comment. It's like resembling shooting at the audience with an AK47, while knowing there are people dying of bullets every second. Football should become more classy, and I doubt it will go in that direction. Rather see it going the other way unfortunately...


Cruijff's Heir
He is my childhood hero, I won't say anything about that. (I rank him above Messi, Ronaldinho gave me that extra spark in my love for football. Such an influence on me)
But we can all have different opinions, and I think that celebration is not classy at all.


New member
Most of his career Ronnie hasn't been too confrontational to rival fans from what I remember so it's kind of odd but in the end just some fun imo.

I guess if their home town had been subjected to some grenade terrorist attack in the past that would be a different story.


New member
Ronaldinho The King of Barcelona!
I love Messi but Ronaldinho was something else to watch.

Glad his doing good at Mineiro. He's close to winning the Libertadores this year with Mineiro


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