

Active member
This guy is enjoying himself at Atletico, I wish him the best. The problem is there was way too much pressure on him here.

Wha!?? For most of his Barca career he exceeded expectations that people had. It wasn't till WC 2006 where the pressure started messing with him. That being said he is still under a good amount of pressure at Atletico. They are the favorites to win Brasiliero and Copa Libertadores with Ronaldinho leading the way.


I always thought Ronaldo was more graceful DA.

Anyway, Ronaldo for sure, he had a lot they didn't show on that vid and also more importantly, he usually did it to beat his man to the goal which is harder than in midfield.

Note: would have been nice if they included the other one where Ronaldo took the ball out of the air to put it between Puyol's legs.

Anyway, both amazing.

MJ BarcaFan

New member
Guys, why do you still romanticise and indulge in nostalgia? :)

Seeing him in his final two seasons slowing down play at Camp Nou still haunts me. The stadium hushed in expectation, only for R10 to receive the ball on the counter, stop, do a few step-overs and fail to beat a man before passing the ball backwards.

Hi...I understand your frustration but I think we have to empathize what Ronaldinho went through post WC 2006, he was attacked right, left & center in his native Brazil enough to make even a man of steel fold. Long story short, he definitely lost his self-belief and self-confidence, which is VERY important in an athlete. I feel it contributed a lot to his subsequent lesser performances. I'm talking about sports psychology here.

Anyway, Ronnie will always be a hero in Camp Nou :)


Wild Man of Borneo
HE is a shell of his former self, but he's been consistent. He should go to WC 2014 as a super sub at least then one last hurrah in Europe before he goes to MLS :p

He's shown that he should not be in the WC for Brazil, it would just be living in the past and using him as an icon alongside neymar for a so called "passing of the torch". In truth it's just a wasted spot on the roster that could be given to a talented youngster.

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