
Good 'ol Dinho. Sad that we didn't rip meelan off for 100 million by selling this useless excuse of a man.
Dida is in the twilight of his career and lost his place to Abiatti in short he has time and he is too damn old .. on the other hand
^^ exactly .. he is the dumbest footballer on the planet .. he could have had a lot more ..
he look like the next in line to head back to Brazil if he don't get in shape this season
Good 'ol Dinho. Sad that we didn't rip meelan off for 100 million by selling this useless excuse of a man.
"useless excuse of a man" != useless.We wouldn't have 2 League titles and a CL trophy in our cabinet if he was useless. He wouldn't have won FIFA world player twice if he was useless, I doubt he will ever be what he was due to his clubbing addiction or what ever, but he was never useless to us.