Cule Angles
Visca el filòsof!
I've been invited to Sandro's after-party if he wins the elections in June
Maybe I'll get to meet Sandro's best bud "spursandbarca" 

I've had further feedback from penya members who met with Sandro this weekend, their impression is that he's a very genuine character with a real interest in embracing the club's support from around the world. He has concrete proposals in place which were revealed to the people at the meeting but I can't go into specifics on here. Rosell's team is extremely strong with people such as Jordi Cardoner, the grandson of Nicolau Casaus, who have Barça in their blood and want to break down the barriers that have formed between the board and the socis. Sandro went into detail about what aspects of the club he would change in order to improve the relationship between Barça and its owners - the soci - he has his finger on the pulse regarding what needs to be changed and what doesn't and seems to be approaching the task in hand with real empathy. Sorry I can't give more detail on here but we have been sworn to secrecy until the manifesto is published and we have to repay the trust that has been placed in us. It's no secret that I've previously been leaning towards Rosell as my favoured candidate for the presidency but I now have no doubt in my mind that he is the man to lead our club. Sandro President!
Its good to see that he has already worked out plans to improve the club on a whole. But i hope he doesn't do too much tinkering as the club as it stands right now is solid as it has ever been. Stability is one of the things that the Laporta regime has brought to the club. As an outsider looking in, everything seems perfect, with respect to our performances on the field of play, our juvenil programs and our finances.
I've had further feedback from penya members who met with Sandro this weekend, their impression is that he's a very genuine character with a real interest in embracing the club's support from around the world. He has concrete proposals in place which were revealed to the people at the meeting but I can't go into specifics on here. Rosell's team is extremely strong with people such as Jordi Cardoner, the grandson of Nicolau Casaus, who have Barça in their blood and want to break down the barriers that have formed between the board and the socis. Sandro went into detail about what aspects of the club he would change in order to improve the relationship between Barça and its owners - the soci - he has his finger on the pulse regarding what needs to be changed and what doesn't and seems to be approaching the task in hand with real empathy. Sorry I can't give more detail on here but we have been sworn to secrecy until the manifesto is published and we have to repay the trust that has been placed in us. It's no secret that I've previously been leaning towards Rosell as my favoured candidate for the presidency but I now have no doubt in my mind that he is the man to lead our club. Sandro President!