Sergi Roberto


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Sergi Roberto looks like a veteran in that video. Stellar performance. Controlled and knows what he wants to do.


New member
If he maintains this kind of 'ritmo', he could be a 50 mil RB if he played for the slicks at 'Dragão' . All he needs now is pay his dues to :messi:


New member
I think he has surprised everyone with how comfortable he has slotted in at RB. Far too many people were too quick to write him off after his performance against Athletic, but he wasn't the only one to play bad in that game.

His tactical understanding of how to play the Full-Back role and his desire to get up and down the right flank has impressed me. Plus his quality in linking the play and crossing ability.

:thinking: Could this be the beginning of a position change, at the age of 23? :roberto:


Active member
If he can play at multiple positions, and even occasionally play as well as he did last Sunday, he could have a place on this team for many years. This team needs quality versatility off the bench, to complement the megastars in the first 11 (first 15?).

Or is the successor to Alves at RB?


Well-known member
This would be a total Barcelona move though, turning one of our players into quality rb while Real put down a huge fee to get one.
Sergi Roberto is an extremely useful multi functional player.
Makes sense that Lucho of all people really likes him.


Previously known as Mehssi
I missed the game, and I couldn't believe what I saw in that highlight video ! wow!

That him and Verminator had such stellar performances just made my day.. that RM already lost 2 points helps too :D


New member
Transfer ban is irresistible situation, but there shouldn't be many changes to get used to a certain position,
still has many thing to improve.
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Senior Member
This might sound Hyperbolic in some ways but The way Roberto played versus Bilbao is what I always wanted out of Montoya. Someone who isn't afraid to bomb Forward and have Confidence in link up play and has some really solid Crossing ability. Montoya was pretty solid Defensively but him going forward and his link up play wasn't very great. If Roberto keeps this up with the good Performances at RB he will have a place here for a very long time.

God Serena

New member

warning: mute it or your ears will bleed

The song wasn't even bad imo. I liked it. Not even trolling.

Great stuff from Roberto btw. Konan put it quite nicely; he is what I would have liked to see from Montoya. Imagine the La Masia banners being waved if he actually develops into a class RB one day. :lol:


New member
The market for fullbacks is also usually limited (for whatever reason). Hopefully he can keep this up. I was also impressed, like many of you.

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