Sergi Roberto


Wild Man of Borneo
I genuinely think he can now compete with Rakitic for a starting position in the Gala XI. He's so in touch with how we play and brings so much to the game in central midfield. With his newfound playmaking and ability to create dynamic situations there really aren't any significant weaknesses I could think of that would put him under fire from big teams.

He has plenty of chemistry with both Alves and Leo and exceeds the workrate/tenacitiy needed to cover for Alves defensively. I know it wouldn't happen but I would be more than happy with Roberto starting in matches like this Wednesday's return leg with Arsenal for example. A big game that has some of the pressure taken off for him to get into the swing of it while he grows into more and more responsibility.


Senior Member
Roberto use be a "Safe" CM you could say, he was just afraid of doing anything risky.

He's Definitely the Midfielder a lot of Barca fans wanted him to be now. and it's also no surprise he performs well when he plays DM as his Distribution,Passing and Positional awareness is also really solid. I really like what Lucho has done with Roberto and playing in several different positions on the field helped evolve his game in the midfield as well.

I wouldn't be surprised down the line he will be our next DM when Busi gets older to a point he can't play on a daily basis like he is now.


Senior Member

Made SPORT's front cover.


New member
Which is still too low imo, given his quality and importance to the team.

I agree - he is well worth 40 m. right now, it should be increased. IIRC Sport says that the club will offer him more than the automatic payrise in order to raise the buyout. I don't see him leaving even if PL-teams double his pay and offer regular starts - but it would be good to get it around 80 m. - that would make clubs think twice.


New member
is that only under Lucho? I remember him playing false 9 too once under Tata

I don't care that much about the numbers. Most important thing is that he is a reliable stand-in in our midfield, nearly pushing for a starter-role, which helps fill out the gap left by Xavi. That he is backup at rightback as well is good, though, as it keeps Vidal on his toes at all time :)

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