Sergi Roberto

God Serena

New member
It's pretty damn simple: He's not a RB. Having some good games every here and there doesn't equate to being able to just convert and play there long term. Most players can have a good game or two (Or three!) at a position they're unfamiliar with but as time goes on and all the smaller nuances of the position become more consistently an issue it starts to become clear they're not cut out for the position. Plenty of outfield players can dive for a ball and catch a bullet when playing goalkeeper and if they step in goal they can do a decent job of that, I'm a referee and I see it all the time, but these players will most often turn out to be really shitty goalkeepers in the long run because they don't have a lot of the smaller basics down that they simply wouldn't know due to not being familiar with the position. Even small things like when to watch the ball and when to watch the leg are entirely different when you're in your box or making a run towards it, and when you're in midfield. These things can be learned with a lot of time and effort but playing against the likes of Real Madrid and PSG are hardly the times to be learning them, as Di Maria and Gareth Bale probably don't care too much that the fullback marking them doesn't fully understand their positioning.

It was foolish to think Roberto could be the savior RB we always needed and all those who opposed signing a RB because they felt Roberto had the position secured and he deserved it somehow probably feel a little let down by a player shoehorned into a position unlike any he has played before.


Senior Member
This guy was so good in CY2016, even at RB. What the fuk happened...
Teams probably figured him out now.

But it also seems like he's playing without any confidence in himself and his own abilities. He was confident last season but as this season progressed he started to lose his confidence and he just keeps getting worse and worse.

not really his fault since he's a Midfielder and he just doesn't have the right attributes to be a truly effective Barca RB like Dani was. Maybe playing him the Midfield more could help regain some of that lost confidence he had lost.


What irks me the most is he is a better fit for our midfield than Gomes, Denis or Arda. Already used to the system and a very good box-to-box or DM. He could be having a Keita-role with many minutes, if only licho and robert had bought a damn RB.


Senior Member
So, our attacking play will get a huge hit again.
We are back to Messi in the middle and RCM passing the ball to no one with Roberto as a RB.


Really don't want him to play for Barcelona anymore - in any position. Slow, average ability - not a talent at any level or position. Passive player. Like Gomes, nothing to do with the Barcelona philosophy. Wrong player for Barcelona.


Senior Member
Man he got slaughtered today.

worst part is we are stuck with him playing RB until the season is done. not his fault that Lucho decided that it was a brilliant idea to play him as a RB and not get a real RB this summer while shoving Vidal into the doghouse for most of the season.

God Serena

New member
Really don't want him to play for Barcelona anymore - in any position. Slow, average ability - not a talent at any level or position. Passive player. Like Gomes, nothing to do with the Barcelona philosophy. Wrong player for Barcelona.

This is nonsense. So him playing bad at RB means he's bad for Barca at *every* position? :lol:

He's several times the midfielder Gomes is and he's our best backup for every midfield position. Him not being a RB was a well known problem and him being stuck there shouldn't be a knock on his ability as a footballer.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Absolutely destroyed!

Why has he taken the approach of giving wingers so much space? It's like he's thinking there's acres of space behind him and the goal is 10 Km away...


New member
This guy can't defend to save his life and people still have hopes he can be a decent DM, replacing Busquets.

Sorry, but nope.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Pathetic board thought they had a master stroke playing a make shift mid fielder in full back position!

A RB and Roberto in MF would have saved the season!


This is nonsense. So him playing bad at RB means he's bad for Barca at *every* position? :lol:

You act as if he is some attacking genius or effective DM when he plays further up the field. :lol:

I have seen him - more often than not - when not playing as a full back - destroy our attacks by turning backwards to search for a CB or DM to pass to. He simply can't get past opposition players due to his lack of skill. He is not Barcelona quality, he never has been. He can't take on players and he can't find super passes. Even Busquets can get past players or turn them inside out. Roberto has no guile whatsoever and for Barcelona that is critical.
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