Sergi Roberto


New member
So now all our players are bad? He isnt a RB. Had a good start but soon started to show his liabilities there and teams exploit that.


One of the positions we definitely need to strengthen, rightback. Sergi just isn't a right back, this season made it very clear.

El Flaco

Active member
Bad game, most of Leganes' attacks went on his side.

At this point, I feel sorry for Roberto being forced to play in a position where he clearly isn't comfortable with.

Such a shame we didn't go for a RB last summer.


Senior Member
We shouldn't play him anymore at RB or his career will be destroyed...
His Confidence is gone man. whatever he spent building up last season it's all gone and you can blame Lucho for it.

He simply isn't a RB and Lucho will keep persisting with it because he doesn't see anything "Wrong".


At this point, Nili should be played over him, as Palencia will never get a chance from our precious manager. He is the favorite target for all teams now. They know they just need to attack his side, and something will happen.
A failed experiment the freaking stubborn licho won't stop.


Senior Member
At this point, Nili should be played over him, as Palencia will never get a chance from our precious manager. He is the favorite target for all teams now. They know they just need to attack his side, and something will happen.
A failed experiment the freaking stubborn licho won't stop.

Made worse by all midfielders being slow and not getting back to help him and Messi having to real interest in defending.

He struggles big time with players running at him and Luchos tactics and choice of players leaving him exposed to it too often.

He has no confidence left.


Senior Member
He probably knows every time he goes on the field he expects to get mauled. and he has been trying his best but to no avail and his confidence went down the gutter.

Lucho, refuses to entertain the idea of playing Nili or Palencia. in his mind Roberto is un-droppable and he doesn't seem to realize he's not helping Bob at all and he's destroying his career so far with this crap.


Senior Member
At this point, Nili should be played over him, as Palencia will never get a chance from our precious manager. He is the favorite target for all teams now. They know they just need to attack his side, and something will happen.
A failed experiment the freaking stubborn licho won't stop.

Unless Nili turns out as the next Alves then this won't solve any problem, I said it couple of times before but the unbalanced line up we are playing will hurt him. Having Messi playing mostly in the middle hurt the right side really bad,it made it exposed and having a CM trying to cover for him just hurt the midfield rather than improving the right side.

Lucho, refuses to entertain the idea of playing Nili or Palencia. in his mind Roberto is un-droppable and he doesn't seem to realize he's not helping Bob at all and he's destroying his career so far with this crap.

S.Roberto is 25 years old player who has been with 1st team for fourth season now,you put Nili/Palancia in such horrible situation for RB and it is will probably be even worse and truly destroys their young least for Roberto he can claim he is a midfielder later on but for them they will be destroyed in the position they have only chance to play here
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To be fair on Sergi, he was fouled.

It wasn't a foul. At least that's my take after the replay.

Unless Nili turns out as the next Alves then this won't solve any problem, I said it couple of times before but the unbalanced line up we are playing will hurt him. Having Messi playing mostly in the middle hurt the right side really bad,it made it exposed and having a CM trying to cover for him just hurt the midfield rather than improving the right side.

S.Roberto is 25 years old player who has been with 1st team for fourth season now,you put Nili/Palancia in such horrible situation for RB and it is will probably be even worse and truly destroys their young least for Roberto he can claim he is a midfielder later on but for them they will be destroyed in the position they have only chance to play here

If they at least got a chance, we'd know for sure if they could do it or not. Having a better positional awareness than Bob would already be a plus.


President of FC Barcelona
Unless Nili turns out as the next Alves then this won't solve any problem, I said it couple of times before but the unbalanced line up we are playing will hurt him. Having Messi playing mostly in the middle hurt the right side really bad,it made it exposed and having a CM trying to cover for him just hurt the midfield rather than improving the right side.

Yet Aleix played much better than Roberto has done for a long time and we overall actually played as a better team.

Not sure Nili will solve anything or saying he should replace Roberto, but Sergi's lack of attacking prowess plays a significant part in the right side being ineffective along with the overall batshit tactics.

Roberto need to go back to the midfield as Busquets' backup next season.

Defensively he doesn't have a lot of help sometimes, but even if he does, he's found out in that area, hasn't managed to improve. It's however NOT his fault. He never was a RB and never will be.

He lacks the defensive security, the aggressive nature and attacking prowess for that position.
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Senior Member
Yet Aleix played much better than Roberto has done for a long time and we overall actually played as a better team.

Not sure Nili will solve anything or saying he should replace Roberto, but Sergi's lack of attacking prowess plays a significant part in the right side being ineffective along with the overall batshit tactics.

Roberto need to go back to the midfield as Busquets' backup next season.

Defensively he doesn't have a lot of help sometimes, but even if he does, he's found out in that area, hasn't managed to improve. It's however NOT his fault. He never was a RB and never will be.

He lacks the defensive security, the aggressive nature and attacking prowess for that position.

Vidal add a lot offensively,but we needed much bigger sample size and honestly I suspect he would have continued to look good as time goes,I could be wrong but we will never know. There was a time when Roberto looked really good too as RB . IIRC he lead the league in assists for quite sometime early in the season. Vidal is also one of the fastest fullbacks who has gr8 Stamina which was the main reason we went for him,Neither Nili nor Palancia are like him


Senior Member
I remember when certain posters were championing him as an example that Luis gives youth a chance and more importantly can develop young players

How funny that seems know.

Nothing against him though, he is Barca too the blood, and should be used as a good utility player for us

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