Sergi Roberto


Barçapocalypse NOW!
If this guy continues to evolve he might make me swallow my words... To be honest, I've never had big hopes for him, but in this two matches he has shown glimpses of a good midfielder, especially his mobility... I hope he can keep this up and hopefully Tata will him him fair chances...


Wild Man of Borneo
First match he only really had one or two moments, 2nd match he was better. Overall I'm not convinced yet considering even JDS was on his level both games, but he has a hardworking attitude so we'll see.


New member
Oh, This is so beautiful



Senior Member
If this guy continues to evolve he might make me swallow my words... To be honest, I've never had big hopes for him, but in this two matches he has shown glimpses of a good midfielder, especially his mobility... I hope he can keep this up and hopefully Tata will him him fair chances...

This,I am not a big fan of him at all,but he has done well so far with first team


Nepali Cule
I still think Thiago is overrated. People fixate a lot on his moments of magic, but completely overlook or gloss over the plenty of times he loses the ball, makes bad decisions and is very tentative during the course of games.

IMO Thiago still remains a player with plenty of promise that people want to say has already materialized because it shows up from time to time, but it nonetheless still remains as just that, future promise.


What a fine acquisition! I see a long career with the first team, as #4 offensive midfielder. He fits it perfectly, completely Barca-style. It's a relief to see someone in the Barca shirt who is not tiny.

Not every member of the squad needs to be an all-world player. You need squad players who can step in as needed, not be obviously the weakest player on the field, maintain the style of play, permit the stars to shine. The big challenge for these roles is being able to deal with limited playing time.


New member
Really like what I'm seeing so far, he has the work ethic, getting from box to box, an eye for a pass and is desperate to impress. Could add some much needed energy in the midfield if he gets the chance this season.

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