Sergi Roberto


New member
I meant like a 18-21 year old that might potentially improve the first team if not overtake the position from a current starter.


Well, Valverde would be downright insane not to start him in midfield tomorrow. He’s energy will be needed with our drab midfield in the absence of Iniesta.

Him moving to midfield could explain the Costas call up.


Well-known member
Not good enough 1vs1. He is struggling vs Aduriz. Semedo should be playing in these games where opponent can challenge 1vs1 and puts pressure.

Roberto lacks quickness in 1vs1 situations, just not fast enough and always one step behind.


Senior Member
Bad game from him at RB especially in the second half but once he moved into the Midfield he got much better.


I hope this game will show Val that he is NOT RB. Got owned almost every 1 on 1. Different story when he was moved to midfield tho. Pornhub will be useless when the day he, Paulinho and Busquet play as our midfielder.


Active member
Great squad player, not starter material for a team that wants to be top 3. Like Paulinho.

Roberto is definitely good enough to warrant a start with the current squad we have. Also he is good enough to play in the top 3 sides of the world.


President of FC Barcelona
Hope it's not serious because he's actually a dynamic midfielder compared to the robotic shit in Rakitic and Gomes.

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