Sergi Roberto


New member
some of you realize he's already played RB for 2 seasons against many big teams including RM away from home but ya'll now want to wait and see how he does against X Y and Z to develop opinions? lol
he is what he is, unlike many fans here i still believe he is better than semedo in almost everything bar a sprint race and defending


Senior Member
Easily MOTM for me. World class performance. He completely dominated that right flank. S.Roberto has been a sleeper hit since 2015. As Ray Hudson says, he is the most underrated player on the team.


New member
He was decent, sure, but only because Atletico played without a left winger. Pace, directness is what exposes him. Plus balls over the top in behind, which caught him out like three times at least in previous game. Doesn't have the pace to play as high as he does, and absolutely doesn't have positional sense. Remember against Real when Ronaldo who barely dribbles these days kept skipping past him? Now picture him up against Sane, say, or even Mane. I just hope Conte plays Hazard up front against us again.


New member
world class performance yesterday from him, its gonna be hard for semedo to take his place

Lol. U are even more weired here then in the chat.....
What actually was world class? Didnt contrubute much to the offense and hadnt michbto do in the defense.
What u call his performances at the beginning of the season.
Uber mega unbelievable world class?
He made a solid game. Nothing more and nothing less. AM both flanks were non existing in that match...


New member
jesus, some people here really are clueless. this was a wc c performance!!!

seeing him dribbling 2-3 players in open space against one of the strongest sides from a tactical point of view really cheers me up!
he has his flaws but with him i have the feeling he always knows where to be and what to do. he is like our RB version of Busquets


New member
Lol. U are even more weired here then in the chat.....
What actually was world class? Didnt contrubute much to the offense and hadnt michbto do in the defense.
What u call his performances at the beginning of the season.
Uber mega unbelievable world class?
He made a solid game. Nothing more and nothing less. AM both flanks were non existing in that match...

Chill, you didnt watch the same match


New member
I do. I watched every game this season so far and he made some world class games. But this was far from being one...


Active member
Such a funny thread, depending on day there are like 2 completely different waves coming up. After bad games, loads of comments on how he has always been horrible RB, is mediocre player etc, after good match praised as the RB of the decade and prime example of how lots of work can work out in the end. It is like night and day.


New member
I only see 1 guy crying about him, probably turned on his TV last 20 minutes when we played with Iniesta 2.0 and Atletico was pressing us like crazy.
For me he was world class, always turns up against Atletico and in most big games.
Still wish he was in midfield with Semedo behind him.

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