Sergi Roberto


Senior Member

Sergi Roberto isn't convinced by 1 year reneweal offer contract. He wants a longer deal. (No comment!).
If I were him I would aim at going to a team like Lyon or Roma. He didn't evolve as a player at all since 2016, now he is not Barcelona level. Time to make a change.
As for the next season, Dest and Emerson can do the job.

This fucker is not even Real Sociedad level. Let him fuck off somewhere else.


Senior Member
Looking back at Granada's 2nd goal and I'm furious with Roberto. Dest would have closed that space down and maybe blocked the cross, he's about 10ft from the defender and just dangles a leg out. He always gives the opposition winger the opportunity to cross because he's too scared he'll get done on the dribble (which he often does). Roberto would be a serviceable RM in a 4-4-2 but that's about it.


Senior Member
Looking back at Granada's 2nd goal and I'm furious with Roberto. Dest would have closed that space down and maybe blocked the cross, he's about 10ft from the defender and just dangles a leg out. He always gives the opposition winger the opportunity to cross because he's too scared he'll get done on the dribble (which he often does). Roberto would be a serviceable RM in a 4-4-2 but that's about it.

That goal as well!?

It isn't easy to be on the "doubtlist" of some of you posters...


Senior Member
The right fullback is nowhere near the winger who is allowed to get a cross in, this is defending 101 for a fullback.

Good luck finding a fullback able to block every first touch cross from the sideline... Ridiculous!

The defending error in that perfect goal from Granada is on Pique who should be at least two steps back.


Senior Member
Good luck finding a fullback able to block every first touch cross from the sideline... Ridiculous!

The defending error in that perfect goal from Granada is on Pique who should be at least two steps back.

His poor defensive positioning leaves no possibility for blocking the cross. It's not that he didn't block it, it's that he made it next to impossible because of how far away from the winger he was. Roberto for some reason is on top of busquets' position and leaves the winger free. Then he nonchalantly jogs over to the winger and doesn't close down with intensity allowing him to put a great ball in the box.

There is ALSO a defensive error in Pique's positioning.


Senior Member
His poor defensive positioning leaves no possibility for blocking the cross. It's not that he didn't block it, it's that he made it next to impossible because of how far away from the winger he was. Roberto for some reason is on top of busquets' position and leaves the winger free. Then he nonchalantly jogs over to the winger and doesn't close down with intensity allowing him to put a great ball in the box.

There is ALSO a defensive error in Pique's positioning.

I get called biased here and people say I'm trolling and having absurd takes.

What is this!?

Roberto is correctly covering for Busquets, worrying about the most dangerous area and neglecting the dribble into the box.
There is a fast pass out to the winger, literally on the sideline. Roberto only has time to take 3-4 steps and he does so, not nonchalantly but quickly, directly towards the winger.
The cross is on the first touch, curled. Roberto tries but fails to block it.

Apart from the fact about this particular situation, it's dumb to argue about situations after the result is known.
99 times out of 100, the cross isn't that perfect, and in that 1 in a 100, 99 times out of a 100, either Pique heads it away or the striker doesn't head it that well.
It's silly to say, after you know it turned to a goal, that Roberto should do all in his power not to allow the cross, sprint like a maniac and throw himself into the situation, or be closer to the player from the start and not help Busquets deal with the guy dribbling in a far more dangerous position.
If a team can't allow a first touch cross from the sideline now and then, then there is no point in playing.


Senior Member
Makes next to no attempt to stop a cross coming in at 1-1 in a must win game. Your standards are obviously just different to what a fullback should be able to do.


Senior Member
If Roberto was 1v1 vs Machis, then Mingueza and Pique were 2v0. Even though they were further back, didn't run up and down the flank the whole game, and the ball appears in the central corridor just outside the penalty box after Minguezas mistake, you say that it's Roberto who should be blamed for not being first on that ball in that situation...
Roberto should tell or be told that Mingueza should follow that run from the start.
He was the same 2 steps behind that player the entire time, and had to stop in order not to foul him after he picked up the loose ball from Mingueza, and intelligently had his first touch outwards. Your lines are a bit fucked up, the angle was such that you can't find any player that would be first on that ball from that position.

Mate, no offense, but you don't understand how zonal defense works.

ZONAL DEFENSE means you defend the zone, not the player. And you only take on players when they arrive in your zone. It's simple really, Pique and Mingueza have no player in their zone, so this is why they are marking no one. Roberto has one, and is owned by that one player with absolute ease. He's right next to him and can't hold on in the duel, the Granada player smokes him for pace and explosion on the first 10 meters. It's that simple. A faster player simply hangs on in the duel and blocks Machis before he gets to take a shot. Because Roberto has no pace, he is nonexistent in the duel. His positioning is bad as well.

There are up to 4 errors in that play.

Umtiti - for breaking shape, going to intercept/press, and failing abysmally while letting the Granada player pass the ball freely
Mingueza - for failing to get a firmer touch on that ball and clear the danger
Roberto - for losing his marker easily
Stegen - for doing his usual handball dive, not using his hands at all, which is near useless in football

I'm acknowledging Mingueza's error and did this from the start. You are the one saying stupid things like Mingueza Pique are 2 vs 0, just to excuse Roberto because he was terrible individually there.

The player was handed to Roberto when Umtiti made a move, and Pique + Mingueza covered his absence. This means they transition in 4 at the back (because Umtiti is basically in a DM position, well off from his backline spot). As a result, the duel is clearly assumed by Roberto from the start, it's just that he is weak 1 vs 1 and everyone with pace can beat him fairly easy.
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Senior Member
Mate, no offense, but you don't understand how zonal defense works.

ZONAL DEFENSE means you defend the zone, not the player. And you only take on players when they arrive in your zone. It's simple really, Pique and Mingueza have no player in their zone, so this is why they are marking no one. Roberto has one, and is owned by that one player with absolute ease. He's right next to him and can't hold on in the duel, the Granada player smokes him for pace and explosion on the first 10 meters. It's that simple. A faster player simply hangs on in the duel and blocks Machis before he gets to take a shot. Because Roberto has no pace, he is nonexistent in the duel. His positioning is bad as well.

There are up to 4 errors in that play.

Umtiti - for breaking shape, going to intercept/press, and failing abysmally while letting the Granada player pass the ball freely
Mingueza - for failing to get a firmer touch on that ball and clear the danger
Roberto - for losing his marker easily
Stegen - for doing his usual handball dive, not using his hands at all, which is near useless in football

I'm acknowledging Mingueza's error and did this from the start. You are the one saying stupid things like Mingueza Pique are 2 vs 0, just to excuse Roberto because he was terrible individually there.

The player was handed to Roberto when Umtiti made a move, and Pique + Mingueza covered his absence. This means they transition in 4 at the back (because Umtiti is basically in a DM position, well off from his backline spot). As a result, the duel is clearly assumed by Roberto from the start, it's just that he is weak 1 vs 1 and everyone with pace can beat him fairly easy.

I agree too many ppl were blaming Pique


Senior Member
Mate, no offense, but you don't understand how zonal defense works.

ZONAL DEFENSE means you defend the zone, not the player. And you only take on players when they arrive in your zone. It's simple really, Pique and Mingueza have no player in their zone, so this is why they are marking no one. Roberto has one, and is owned by that one player with absolute ease. He's right next to him and can't hold on in the duel, the Granada player smokes him for pace and explosion on the first 10 meters. It's that simple. A faster player simply hangs on in the duel and blocks Machis before he gets to take a shot. Because Roberto has no pace, he is nonexistent in the duel. His positioning is bad as well.

There are up to 4 errors in that play.

Umtiti - for breaking shape, going to intercept/press, and failing abysmally while letting the Granada player pass the ball freely
Mingueza - for failing to get a firmer touch on that ball and clear the danger
Roberto - for losing his marker easily
Stegen - for doing his usual handball dive, not using his hands at all, which is near useless in football

I'm acknowledging Mingueza's error and did this from the start. You are the one saying stupid things like Mingueza Pique are 2 vs 0, just to excuse Roberto because he was terrible individually there.

The player was handed to Roberto when Umtiti made a move, and Pique + Mingueza covered his absence. This means they transition in 4 at the back (because Umtiti is basically in a DM position, well off from his backline spot). As a result, the duel is clearly assumed by Roberto from the start, it's just that he is weak 1 vs 1 and everyone with pace can beat him fairly easy.

First, this was a counter, the midfield overplayed. The player is arriving with the ball under control and with one run in front of him.
Barcelona have three central defenders and the left wing back in place and the right wing back sprinting back to help. I'll have to see more extended footage in order to judge if Roberto is at fault for arriving late, but he is not in a position to mark the player from the start of the clip I saw.
This is the situation. To talk about zonal vs man marking is a bit out of place in a situation like this, in the first place.

But it is YOU who blame someone for losing his man, apparently it's zonal marking but with man marking for the wing backs, or you really believe this is the zone for a wing back in a 3-5-2?
I am the one calling for STANDARD zonal defense, pressuring and making sure the ball goes on the outside.

I only want you to define two things for further discussion
1: What is the defensive zone for the wing back in a 3-5-2?
2: What are the duties for the central defenders in a situation like this?

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