Sergi Roberto


Senior Member
According to AS he was crying in the dressing room due to whistles from the fans. I didn't notice any whistles?

Also now both our fullbacks cry in the dressing room!

Shows the mental strength they have. Totally different circumstances though.
He should be crying of happiness that he ever got a long contract at Barcelona. His true level is bottom table teams in LA liga if he's lucky but instead he earned how much money here. Should be crying every day out of happiness


Senior Member
Feel bad for him

But, truth should stand
he is not Barca level, never was,
and he never was a full-back, never was any good as a full-back

I don't know if he signed the contract extension.
If not, it's better if he looks for another team in the summer


Senior Member
Didn't get the chance to watch the game due to work but I heard people say he was getting booed and whistled when he was getting subbed and it seems like it was confirmed.

It just not a good night for him.

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