Sergio Busquets


New member
Racist remarks by a player to another are the age old wumming techniques. That's why I think Marcelo didn't respond to Busquets because it probably happens on the pitch all the time. I had watched an interview of a black player(defender) few years ago while he talked about how other team's strikers tried to wind him up by calling him bleep, bleep, bleep. Sometimes when his team were behind, the trash talk would get in his head,he used to rash into tackles , and get sent off.

Did Busquets call him a monkey? Yep, the video clearly shows that. Is busquets a racist? I don't think so, it's just the same old trash talk,busquets just got caught while engaging in it. Probably that's why the club isn't making such a big deal out of it. Do I think Busquets should be punished for that? I can't say that without being biased.

Busquets should be more careful,since the peek a boo incident, the cameras follow him all the time for his hilarious play acting. His acting and diving skills are fucking laughable, he should try and put some more effort to make them seem at least a little bit more real.


Alright I just joined the forum...and this whole situation with Busquets has really set a fire under my ass...which is why I felt the need to join and post. Anyways I have seen the footage on youtube and you can tell he said mono. Personally I hope this is the last time we see him in a Barca jersey. Barca does not need somebody like that.


People like you.. that's the people that Laporta wanted in the Camp Nou..



Alright I just joined the forum...and this whole situation with Busquets has really set a fire under my ass...which is why I felt the need to join and post. Anyways I have seen the footage on youtube and you can tell he said mono. Personally I hope this is the last time we see him in a Barca jersey. Barca does not need somebody like that.


You want to kick a player out because of saying something impolite in a heated match to a total dick like Marcelo????

WOW...can I name this tendency: "The Tyrrany of Political Correctness"?


Mike the Knife
Guardiola asked about the Busquets investigation today:

I'm not going to explain what Busquets told me but I believe in him & if I believe him he has to play the final at Wembley.

We are waiting on UEFA's decision.

Hopefully, he'll be able to play the final.

Without it serving as a precedent, I'm in agreement when Ramos says that only Busquets & Marcelo know what was said.

I've known Sergio a long time and I believe in what he has told me (about what was said).


Staff member
If we are to guess I think he did say it. I don't think he said in racial context though. He probably wanted to rattle Marcelo and he used the most obvious comparison.
What I do know is that Busquets damaged the club image twice now. Peekaboo vs. Inter and now this.
He's a great player but probably a stupid youngster. Which isn't saying much as most footballers aren't exactly making their bread with their brain to put it mildly.

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