Sergio Busquets


New member
The problem with Busquets is always the same. He always seems to have a pretty good game until he makes that one boneheaded move in his own half of the field. Weather is heading the ball back, getting the ball taken from him because of a failed trick, or simply a bad pass just like yesterday. His technical ability and work rate are unquestionable, but the fact that he always seems to make this mistakes is a bit worrying. Let's not pretend like that was the only bad pass he had either, he was actually pretty horrible in the second half after a brilliant first half. I guess what I'm trying to say is... START YAYA!

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Welcome, killerswitch! :beer2:

Just to respond, he was not horrible that is discrediting to his overall play yesterday. He had a few bad passes (Arsenal were bound to cause some fumbles) but he did well. I agree though he has a trackrecord but with age comes maturity - he is only 21.


My faith in Busquets is starting to grow stronger, I have been a big critic of him for a long time now thinking he is overrated too.

But yesterday he showed he has the potential to become a great center/defensive mid.


New member
Welcome, killerswitch! :beer2:

Just to respond, he was not horrible that is discrediting to his overall play yesterday. He had a few bad passes (Arsenal were bound to cause some fumbles) but he did well. I agree though he has a trackrecord but with age comes maturity - he is only 21.

To clarify, I said he had a horrible second half. I thought he along with Xavi were probably our best players in the first half. I know he's still young, I guess my point is that if you have one of the best DMs in the world in Yaya, you should use him most of the time and allow Busquets to grow on games where his mistakes won't be so costly.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Regardless of how good was his first half, or even the second, that mistake was disastrous, we virtually had our ticket to semis up to that point, and he gave it away with a single bad pass, in that moment Arsenal started believing in themselves... I believe we're going through but he complicated things when everything was going alright, I also believe he will be great someday but in important games he better keep it simple and just do his job because one day it could cost us a lot much more...


Senior member
So pissed off with him, his mistake was pathetic and it takes away all of the hard work he does. Really has to learn to keep his composure because if he doesn't, he will end up being no better than Edmilson or Motta for us..


New member
So pissed off with him, his mistake was pathetic and it takes away all of the hard work he does. Really has to learn to keep his composure because if he doesn't, he will end up being no better than Edmilson or Motta for us..

and during that time while we are waiting whether he will be a world class or another motta,
we will lose one of the best, yaya.


immaculately conceived
Err? I absolutely don't get this dislike and illogical posts anymore.

He played one of the finest games of his career. Made one mistake (shit mistake though) that led to the goal, which could have been prevented by 1 Puyol, 2 Maxwell and 3 Valdes. Yet he does get the stcik and gets even compared to bloody Motta?

A DM that has been playing for Barcelona B, has outstanding technical abilities for a player on that position, is a passer, is tall, great tackler, looks energetic, ... and has been playing that well that he now plays for the best and most complete national team in the world. At 21.

He has to compete with a player that was great last year but hasn't reached that level except one game, versus Stuttgart at home. It's not that Yaya hasn't been playing? He got his chances and didn't take them bar one, and the game after that was back to where he was.


Still everyone is choosing the Pedro side, while Busquets pretty much can piss off. Nice.

Edit: This is coming from a Yaya Touré fan, given my nickname.


New member
gneg, so yaya can't have an off day at all is it?
every player in the world can have an off day.
how many off days did busi had so far?how many mistakes?
and the excuses given when he starts the next match ; oh, he is still young, he will be world class bla bla bla.
yaya had one off game after a 2/3 never playing at least 4-5 games on the trot and you expect him to perform week in and out.
even messi would.t be able to perform 100%


Mike the Knife
Riddle me this...If you had to pick two regular rotation players from the club who are most responsible for costly errors, which players come to mind?

If it's anyone other than Rafa & Biscuit, you're not thinking hard enough


immaculately conceived
Riddle me this...If you had to pick two great players frmo last season that contribute jack shit this season compared to what they can, which players come to mind?

In bloody deed.

Choosing between Yaya and Busquets this year is choosing between one that doesn't do anything (and makes faults along but it seems that is simply ignored) and one that is having a great confirmation season but is making faults along the way.

I pick the Yaya of last year above anyone. But that Yaya isn't at Barcelona so the is a invalid choice option.

Edit: ah nice, I see you don't have any problem slaying Henry in the other thread. Nice again. Thinking very hard I see.


New member
Riddle me this...If you had to pick two regular rotation players from the club who are most responsible for costly errors, which players come to mind?

If it's anyone other than Rafa & Biscuit, you're not thinking hard enough

no need to think hard.


High Definition Member
Riddle me this...If you had to pick two great players frmo last season that contribute jack shit this season compared to what they can, which players come to mind?

In bloody deed.

Choosing between Yaya and Busquets this year is choosing between one that doesn't do anything (and makes faults along but it seems that is simply ignored) and one that is having a great confirmation season but is making faults along the way.

I pick the Yaya of last year above anyone. But that Yaya isn't at Barcelona so the is a invalid choice option.

Edit: ah nice, I see you don't have any problem slaying Henry in the other thread. Nice again. Thinking very hard I see.

are you saying that he shouldn't criticise henry?


Mike the Knife
Gnegneri, you clearly are an Henry fan so hard to take you too credibly as a critic...Your bias is pretty clear there

Like I said, all you have to do is poll fans...Which two are the most commonly guilty of boneheaded errors?...It won't even be a contest (Especially with no Caceres)

And don't confuse criticism of Henry as slating the player in general...He was exceptional last season but one should'nt have anything to do with the other (Again, bias entering into it for you)

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