Sergio Busquets


Senior Member
Does his supposed "spatial awareness and game reading" include his consistently unsuccessful attempts to press the opponent CBs and leaving acres of space behind him for the opponent to attack??


Well-known member
Insanity is playing buskets alba in a hot europeen atmosphere and not to expect humiliation. It happened for years why wont it happen again? We got accustomed to it. Forkroad for xavi. Either accomodate the catalans like they always do there or be balsy and chase them out of the club. U cant treat 2 tumors by pushing to the side (bench) tumors ought to be removed.

Calling Busqs a tumour is disgustingly disrespectful


Senior Member
Does his supposed "spatial awareness and game reading" include his consistently unsuccessful attempts to press the opponent CBs and leaving acres of space behind him for the opponent to attack??

It is not a lack of intelligence that causes him to vacate his position and go chase the ball higher up the pitch during counters. Busi does this very deliberately. He knows if he tried fulfilling his role as a defensive midfielder he would get skinned alive by pacy attackers on the break and he wants no part of that. He sees abandoning his post as the less humiliating option between the two.


Well-known member
It is not a lack of intelligence that causes him to vacate his position and go chase the ball higher up the pitch during counters. Busi does this very deliberately. He knows if he tried fulfilling his role as a defensive midfielder he would get skinned alive by pacy attackers on the break and he wants no part of that. He sees abandoning his post as the less humiliating option between the two.
Interesting to see you claiming your thoughts as FACT ..


Senior Member
Calling Busqs a tumour is disgustingly disrespectful

It's more disrespectful to others calling him a DM. The walking corpse has lost all the respect and legend status he earned in the past. So many humiliations and he was one of the biggest resons in all of them. The day he finally leaves, should be more celebrated than a CL win.


Senior Member
Obviously, the cockroaches were hiding until one 'average' performance from Busquets to blame everything on him as usual.

While completely silent about guys like Pedri ... who played like shit.

Ah those old days were Messi was the one to blame ! miss it


Staff member
Up to Xavi to decide but from the looks of it, he rates Busquets very highly. Would be great if he rationed him more then as I don't understand how he expects a veteran to perform like he used to 10 years ago.


Senior Member
Up to Xavi to decide but from the looks of it, he rates Busquets very highly. Would be great if he rationed him more then as I don't understand how he expects a veteran to perform like he used to 10 years ago.

Busi is also the player who Xavi said he was closest to at Barca as a player.


Senior Member
Yeah lol. Terrible on diet. Also I have doubts on his low bar squat.

You agree lifting weights helps tremendously for 100m dash.
Agreed in football you won?t be running 100m.
I think general data point is that sprints are usually 20-30.

Given that the start of the 100m requires tremendous power generation/burst of power this resembles football sprint closely.

So why would it not help.?

Also I agree with you on neuro muscular adaptations when you increase squat from 60kg to 120kg . yes maybe 50 percent of it but not all of it and this I will tell you from personal experience.

Also I think you are misreading my intention. I am not indicating a stronger footballer is better than busquets.
You take Busquets put him on strength training for a year he will become a better footballer. In fact unlock more of that football potential
Because his mind may think of certain things however he can?t do them on the pitch because he knows his physical limitations.
So A stronger Busquets is a better player than current Busquets.

It is very rare to sprint even 20-30m. When a player does a run like that he still needs to alter the direction slightly, time the run, be aware of his surroundings, etc etc. It is mostly 5-10m runs at most and then accelerations, decelerations, changes of direction and so on. A lot of movement covering ground is done at 80-90% pace too.

Busquets is and has been on strength training. His physique is great, he is very rarely injured but able to perform very well on the pitch twice a week for 15 years pretty much. The most important physical trait in football is stamina, and after that quickness. He is light on his feet and do not need more power, I am not sure he would benefit from an increased focus on strength training, as he would risk losing both some of his stamina and some of his lightness with it.


Senior Member
I just can't believe this old useless turtle player earns 23 mill a year for failing to jump and passing the ball few times back and side ways, what a useless plastic club has barca become.


Senior Member
Busquets has been a liability in Europe for the past five years. He can't even do it on El stage. Hopeless. I hope he's whown the door in the summer.

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