Spanish SuperCopa: Real Madrid - FC Barcelona (5-1)

Emmerson Bola

New member
Zidane is a superb manager he always know how to tweak his formation to score a goal against barcelona with one man down . Barcelona current board is full of shit luchho to Valverde Hmmm next will be Roberto macinni


New member
What a disaster of a game. Lots of frustration to see on the players (for me too). Messi and Suarez were ok. Left flank, especially when Deulofeu was playing, was awful. Please return to Everton. Pique our bad CB showed it again. Midfield..did we have a midfield?

There has to happen A LOT or this gonna be a disasterous season!


New member
Real Madrid players are disgrace to humanity... Starting with Casemrio and his tackles... butcher... Ramos pushing Suarez like he isn't the one who dives all the f******* time... and then CR showing off, gets yellow card, dives, gets second yellow card and then pushing the ref like the red card is ref's fault... this shows how more of a club Barcelona is compared to Madrid...


Well-known member
At least it happened at the start of the season. That's a clear message to this retard board that bringing BOTH Coutinho and Dembele is a must.
Not much to say about the game, we got destroyed and we had the ref's help.

This. Embarassing first game @ camp nou. I'm not sure how they are going to respond from this. **** ****.


New member
This is club is finished for the next 10 years thanks to the incompetence of this board over the last 5 or so years. We should've been looking for younger players that could come in and gradually replace the like of Iniesta, Xavi and Alves like Real Madrid are doing now with Isco, Asensio and such. Instead we sat on our asses for far too long and are left with the remnants of an aging team with no future to look forward to. We still haven't found a replacement for Xavi for crying out loud and he's been retired for 3 seasons. This is the beginning of the end of this era and our success in general.


New member
Real Madrid players are disgrace to humanity... Starting with Casemrio and his tackles... butcher... Ramos pushing Suarez like he isn't the one who dives all the f******* time... and then CR showing off, gets yellow card, dives, gets second yellow card and then pushing the ref like the red card is ref's fault... this shows how more of a club Barcelona is compared to Madrid...

Cmon, get real. Suarez dived and gets a penalty, CR7 gets a small push, gets off balance and gets yellow... we got off light and still lost 1-3.


Senior Member
I think a lot of us saw this coming. There's just TOO much of a gap. Every year the gap in the squad quality has been increasing. Now it's reached a point where our starting XI is not even competitive, forget the squad. It's many years of mismanagement that's ruining us. We made it worse with this transfer window.

Guys, let's all lower our expectations for the season, at the very least. Unless Dembele and Coutinho both come in, and Valverde is a genius. Because nothing short of these 3 things is going to save us from being embarrassed this season.

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