Thiago Silva


New member
Leonardo -
"Neither Ibrahimovic, nor Thiago Silva will leave the club if Ancelotti moves on"

Silva's agent:
"There's zero chance that he [thiago silva] will leave this summer. PSG do not want to sell him. He's an important part of their project and he will stay put regardless of what will happen with Ancelotti."
Remember last summer when Thiago Silva 99.5% won't leave Milan? So do I.


New member
Remember last summer when Thiago Silva 99.5% won't leave Milan? So do I.

Everyone knew that Milan needed money and that's the reason why Thiago left.

Actually, Paris don't need money and we don't know if Thiago wants to leave. Even if he does, not sure to be enough knowing that their coach if leaving for Madrid.
I don't believe this rumour concerning Thiago honnestly. We'll put 70% of our money in Neymar's transfer and the rest of the money won't be enough to buy a GK + Thiago who costs at least 45m euro.

Let's be realistic, it won't happen until Sandro decides to raise our debt.


New member
Everyone knew that Milan needed money and that's the reason why Thiago left.

Actually, Paris don't need money and we don't know if Thiago wants to leave. Even if he does, not sure to be enough knowing that their coach if leaving for Madrid.
I don't believe this rumour concerning Thiago honnestly. We'll put 70% of our money in Neymar's transfer and the rest of the money won't be enough to buy a GK + Thiago who costs at least 45m euro.

Let's be realistic, it won't happen until Sandro decides to raise our debt.

It has nothing to do with raising debt. We could spend around 100m every year and our balance will always be around zero. The thing is that Rosell wants to reduce the debt every year by dozens of millions, that's why he restricted the transfer budget.


New member
Everyone knew that Milan needed money and that's the reason why Thiago left.

Actually, Paris don't need money and we don't know if Thiago wants to leave. Even if he does, not sure to be enough knowing that their coach if leaving for Madrid.
I don't believe this rumour concerning Thiago honnestly. We'll put 70% of our money in Neymar's transfer and the rest of the money won't be enough to buy a GK + Thiago who costs at least 45m euro.

Let's be realistic, it won't happen until Sandro decides to raise our debt.
That's not the point. The point is that people say things "absolutely" won't happen or things are "impossible" all the time but those very same thing end up happening anyways. Just because they don't need the money doesn't mean they want to play with an unhappy player much less an unhappy captain. I'm not saying he wants to leave but in the event he pushes for it they probably aren't going to make him stay if he's set on a move as we've seen people try and ultimately the deal almost always ends up going through.
that's what I think as well. Also the rumors that PSG want to sell star players because of fiscal conditions are simply false.
Transfer will obviously be very difficult, PSG has a very strong team now and TS is club captain + earning a ton of cash


Active member
Tonietto (agent Thiago Silva): "The year to sign Thiago was last year, not this one. But PSG paid more to Milan and to the player." [md]
Tonietto (agent Thiago Silva): "A transfer is very difficult now. PSG wouldn't want to sell, and the player has a very high salary." [md]

I think we should forget about Silva. Rosell is not going to spend a huge amount of money on a player, who's name is not Neymar.


New member
Tonietto (agent Thiago Silva): "The year to sign Thiago was last year, not this one. But PSG paid more to Milan and to the player." [md]
Tonietto (agent Thiago Silva): "A transfer is very difficult now. PSG wouldn't want to sell, and the player has a very high salary." [md]
I interpret this as the agent trying to get Barca to raise the salary they are offering to Thiago Silva.


Don't now if we are in a need of a 40M+ defender.I mean i would love if we had Silva but Bayern nutrualized our offence with Boateng,Dante and Van Buiten.I don't think anyone would give over 25M for any of them.Defence is mostly teamwork and management.
Don't now if we are in a need of a 40M+ defender.I mean Bayern nutrualized our offence with Boateng,Dante and Van Buiten.I don't think anyone would give over 25M for any of them.Defence is mostly teamwork and management.

Dante's amazing, from what I've heard (though I've also heard that Boateng and van Buyten are pretty meh). He doesn't start for Brazil ahead of fucking David Luiz though, so who knows...


Dante's amazing, from what I've heard (though I've also heard that Boateng and van Buyten are pretty meh). He doesn't start for Brazil ahead of fucking David Luiz though, so who knows...

Dante has been absolutely awesome this season. Van Buyten and Boateng, Meh....

I think you miss my point. Bayer's teamwork is what made their defense look so good.
Barca played like this a couple of years ago.


Active member
Dante's amazing, from what I've heard (though I've also heard that Boateng and van Buyten are pretty meh). He doesn't start for Brazil ahead of fucking David Luiz though, so who knows...

A lot of people would rather prefer Dante to start over Luiz for sure. Barca can't get Dante and Luiz anyways they are off limits. Focus on Marquinhos and Hummels


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For Vilanova, PSG's Thiago Silva is the only centre back option. Transfer almost impossible, but Barcelona monitoring events at PSG. [as]

Seriously, Tito is so stubborn. Just let it go and look after other CBs.
I fear that in the end we might end up again with not buying a CB or with someone as shit like Vermaelen ...

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