Thiago Translantara


Cardenal de Catalunya
Thiago is definitely my first choice right now.

Let Cesc rot at Arsenal, if he's not willing to hand in a transfer request.


immaculately conceived
Thiago is a better option than spending 40+ million on Fabregas, this season anyways. He deserves a proprer chance this season imo
I don't know if it is a better option cause, you know, Cesc is a great football player. But it is certainly the more feasible and better for the budget, which Sandro is blabbering about so publicly.


Cardenal de Catalunya
I don't know if it is a better option cause, you know, Cesc is a great football player. But it is certainly the more feasible and better for the budget, which Sandro is blabbering about so publicly.

No doubt Cesc is the better player now, but I'd reckon Thiago might become a wee bit better given the opportunity to play first team football on weekly basis. And the experience most of the Barca B will gain in la segunda won't do them any harm either.


High Definition Member
i don't know if he will be better, i mean from teh start evreryone knew cesc woud be great but with thiago you are not totally sure


Cardenal de Catalunya
i don't know if he will be better, i mean from teh start evreryone knew cesc woud be great but with thiago you are not totally sure

You're right there, Hamster. This is mere speculation.

Yet, I've been quite impressed by Thiago over his U-19 form and he has had a great tournament so far. I would really love to see him get some first team football and see where he'll go from there.

Currently it looks like we might have to wait for Cesc for another more year, thus I don't see why Thiago couldn't be used as his (direct) substitute to an extent and see how it turns out for both him and the club. And like I said earlier that playing in Segunda won't hurt us nor him either and will only affect him in a positive way in terms of development, combined with some first team footy.
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Senior Member
even one who is anyone knew thiago would be the next best thing to come out of barca.

Buy a DM and rotate JDS,Thiago and JDS in midfield, Done.


New member
I don't know if it is a better option cause, you know, Cesc is a great football player. But it is certainly the more feasible and better for the budget, which Sandro is blabbering about so publicly.

Ah you know what i mean!! Financially he is a better option???!!!!!?!!!


Mr. Japes
After watching Barça B and the Spain youth matches of the past 6 months, I'm certain Thiago is the real deal.

What's been interesting for me in the last few days is seeing him play a deeper role and do it REALLY well. I always thought he'd taking over the Iniesta role in our midfield, but he's got mad versatility. As well as endless amounts of skill, of course. He's a bit of a show off but in a good, enjoyable way.


Cardenal de Catalunya
After watching Barça B and the Spain youth matches of the past 6 months, I'm certain Thiago is the real deal.

What's been interesting for me in the last few days is seeing him play a deeper role and do it REALLY well. I always thought he'd taking over the Iniesta role in our midfield, but he's got mad versatility. As well as endless amounts of skill, of course. He's a bit of a show off but in a good, enjoyable way.

Yeah, he is no fluke, so to speak. The kid has got mad talent and him being as versatile as he is, I think he just might turn out to be a world beater.

Not to get into worthless hype, but I sincerely believe he has what it takes to make the top. He just needs to tough up a bit mentally, and voila.

Besides, him being a slight show off just comes with the Brazilian flair ;). Just hope he'll never pick up the partying antiques :p


The good
1-There is something most of Barca fans cant understand about Youth Player which is the major reason most of our Youngesters cant make it,and thats is at Barca you must develop into becoming number one in your psoition in the future,if not in the top three in your position around the world,then another Foreign player will take your place,For Example Pique is for sure one of the best 3 players in his positions(if not the best),Same with Valdes,Xavi,Iniesta,Messi and others,If you are not in the best 3 in your psoition,you will be either a squad player or find it elsewhere,Maybe if you are number two or three in your psoitin,then maybe oneday we will look for an improvement for you,And that is the reason for the lon-term chasing of Cesc even when having argubaly the best young dfefenders(JDS,Thiago,Rafa,Roberto)all of those will end up as a world class players but maybe only one of them will be number one in his position and thats how our board think
2-Another thing about Youngesters,Its all about Developing,Taking Chances,Pressure,I cant say now that Deulofeu will become a world class player,I cant say that Gai will never make it at the highest level,The develping curve is at its maximum between 17-22,Until 22 we cant say that Player A will be great,Player B will be a flop,Its also about taking your chances,IF you dont perform well in your 2-3 matches with the first team then there will be a pressure on you in the next matches,maybe even the chance will not come again because there are too many good youngesters waiting for a chance,The Pressure is one of the reasons one of the best young players in the world(Gio Dos Santos)didnt make it at the highest level yet despite being described as a superb talent,Same with Gai,Youngesters rarely live up with pressure.

El Mesías

New member
What a chip from the freekick to set up Caneles. With all the talks about Cesc and Oezil, this little lad might just be the final puzzle in our team.

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