Thiago Translantara


Wild Man of Borneo
One noticeably bad pass in a game doesn't make him "sloppy". Sure he misplaced a few others as well but he was going for the risk rather than playing too passively which I applaud. His distribution was absolutely amazing last night.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Surprised to see he wasn't even on the bench. If it was a technical decision it was harsh on him, I believe he deserved a place on the bench.

Still, starting Xavi more than paid off, and the coaches probably thought having both Cesc and Thiago on the bench was unnecessary.


New member
I feel like Thiago gets a pass on this forum because he is considered a "kid". I personally don't think he is a kid - he is going to be 22 next month. Soccer players usually start to peak around that age. Look at Varane, he is 19. No one says that he has been thrown into the "lions". He stepped up when the opportunity was given and established himself as the future of Real defense. Thiago needed to do that today. He has been playing quite a bit this season and should have been prepared to take this role up.

He has tremendous talent, but watching him play today, I feel like he is not mentally there. When under pressure he was losing possession and not making the right decisions. In the first half he was in a very good position inside the Real box, but made a bad pass that was cut off by Pepe. He has also made a habit of losing possession very close to the Barcelona box that often leads to dangerous situation.

Anyway, I hope he really picks it up fast. It will be hard to buy a player to replace Xavi.

Thanks for writing my thoughts on Thiago. Right on the money. I would only add that, at 22, he should already be much more "in control", like "I'm the center of this machine and here's how's done". The most important skills that a midfielder cannot fail are PASSING and decision making, yet, they seem to be Thiago's very weaknesses. Sure hope somebody takes him to the side line and talks to him about this, It simply MUST improve.


lol whole premise faulty.

players don't peak at 22, more like 26-30, or to 31 or 32 even.

your mistaking physical peak which is early twenties with football player peak. i am assuming either your too focused on this current era of football or you have no other experience of football. reason being that is an idea that is becoming common among fans nowadays even though it is untrue. \

with all that said, thiago needs to learn to stop doing dumb shit in the middle of the field everything else is fine at this point.
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Junior Member
Thanks for writing my thoughts on Thiago. Right on the money. I would only add that, at 22, he should already be much more "in control", like "I'm the center of this machine and here's how's done". The most important skills that a midfielder cannot fail are PASSING and decision making, yet, they seem to be Thiago's very weaknesses. Sure hope somebody takes him to the side line and talks to him about this, It simply MUST improve.

I hope they dont. Where you see signs of weakness/failure I see signs of dynamism, in that he has the porential to try something different and dares to try it. If the coaching staff were to stifle that it might not pay off. I see it as Thiago is too eager to impress which could be linked to him not being mature enough yet. I also see though that when he makes a mistake it plays on his mind and if the coaching staff were to chastise him after every mistake it could do more bad than good. I say leave him be and he'll settle into the maestro role eventually.


New member
Thanks for writing my thoughts on Thiago. Right on the money. I would only add that, at 22, he should already be much more "in control", like "I'm the center of this machine and here's how's done". The most important skills that a midfielder cannot fail are PASSING and decision making, yet, they seem to be Thiago's very weaknesses. Sure hope somebody takes him to the side line and talks to him about this, It simply MUST improve.
hallelujah. the only aspect he MUST improve on but so importand though


Senior Member
I hope they dont. Where you see signs of weakness/failure I see signs of dynamism, in that he has the porential to try something different and dares to try it. If the coaching staff were to stifle that it might not pay off. I see it as Thiago is too eager to impress which could be linked to him not being mature enough yet. I also see though that when he makes a mistake it plays on his mind and if the coaching staff were to chastise him after every mistake it could do more bad than good. I say leave him be and he'll settle into the maestro role eventually.

Well said. It's clear that Thiago has a serious approach to the game, and really wants to perform to the highest standard. His passing is actually excellent and has made relatively few mistakes- the worst have been mistakes in judgement on Barça's half of the pitch. He'll improve on that.

Also, one aspect of his game that has differentiated Thiago this season is his speed of passing; he has been releasing the ball faster than any other player, save for Busquets' quick one-touches. He has been passing at the tempo we saw in the Milan game, when Barça finally got back to the high-press quick-passing game that makes it nearly invincible. So I applaud Thiago for operating at that tempo, even if the rest of the team has been playing at a slower pace most of this season.

One also has to judge Thiago based on the Barça around him. He is not usually on the field with Barça's first team; has he ever played with Busquets and Iniesta/Xavi in the midfield?

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