Thiago Translantara

Easy, then be better than Xavi

Is it fair to claim it 'easy' for a player to not say waste but give up maybe another 2 years of his career to wait for someone else to pass on? its easy for a fan to say they should do this but when your the player and your careers a short one you want to maximise your development surely?

And how can he be better than Xavi when hes not given chance to?


Senior Member
So some fans are hurt because Thiago isn't patient enough to wait for a chance to outshine Xavi (which in Tito's eyes, will never happen) and instead wants to make a name for himself at a different club. Honestly it's not always 100% Barca and not every cantera player is obliged to be diehard loyal to the club. It's insane what some people expect him to do just to satisfy them.

And who said he is obligated? Where did I said that?
But I sure don't need to agree with his decision becasue I support FC BARCA not Thiago ALcantara


Wild Man of Borneo
Is it fair to claim it 'easy' for a player to not say waste but give up maybe another 2 years of his career to wait for someone else to pass on? its easy for a fan to say they should do this but when your the player and your careers a short one you want to maximise your development surely?

And how can he be better than Xavi when hes not given chance to?

I'd give it up trying to convince everyone with the logic behind this. Some of them either choose to mindlessly hate on Thiago, Tito, or Rosell instead of being more rational of the motives and the situation. It's far from a pleasant situation, and definitely hard for any fan to endure but some of the people just lose their minds over it.


Senior Member
Is it fair to claim it 'easy' for a player to not say waste but give up maybe another 2 years of his career to wait for someone else to pass on? its easy for a fan to say they should do this but when your the player and your careers a short one you want to maximise your development surely?

And how can he be better than Xavi when hes not given chance to?

You are talking like he got 2 games last year...he had oppurtunities, and he's good, but still not better than Xavi. It's not that he is choosing between eternal bench and glory in Man Utd. He would get even more oppurtunities in Barca probably even this year.
And for now he is benched by better players, we can' all be the best!
I'd give it up trying to convince everyone with the logic behind this. Some of them either choose to mindlessly hate on Thiago, Tito, or Rosell instead of being more rational of the motives and the situation. It's far from a pleasant situation, and definitely hard for any fan to endure but some of the people just lose their minds over it.

Yeah i understand that, if i was a barca fan id be likely saying the same things to be honest so i dont have any problem with it and im not trying to convince anyone so to speak, im just putting a different angle on the situation, i probably enjoy discussing it to much lol i think it just leads to a good debate if you can have 2 conflicting views on a topic, as long as it stays friendly and respectful of course, i totally appreciate the sensitivity of the situation and do sympathise, i was furious the way we lost Pogba and hes not half the player were talking about here.


President of FC Barcelona
I'd give it up trying to convince everyone with the logic behind this. Some of them either choose to mindlessly hate on Thiago, Tito, or Rosell instead of being more rational of the motives and the situation. It's far from a pleasant situation, and definitely hard for any fan to endure but some of the people just lose their minds over it.

If Tito had played him in the last matches which would/could have raised his clause to 90m then we could have negotiated a bigger price for Thiago if he wanted to leave.

We're ending up with peanuts now... :(


I agree entirely, thats exactly how i see it, he wants to be the main guy in a big club now, he feels hes good enough and probably knows he would be in most other clubs outside of Barca, waiting for Xavi to retire isnt overly appealing when your in a position where you dont need to.

There's also the Tito factor. When the press asked him about Thiago's clause, there was still a game to be played. And if Tito had played Thiago, his fee wouldn't be only 18m. Tito either was too obsessed with the 100 points, and forgot about the clause, or didn't care. That's why I don't blame Thiago. Tito's way of handling the younger players has been awful.
You are talking like he got 2 games last year...he had oppurtunities, and he's good, but still not better than Xavi. It's not that he is choosing between eternal bench and glory in Man Utd. He would get even more oppurtunities in Barca probably even this year.
And for now he is benched by better players, we can' all be the best!

That last parts very true, inspirational even, reminds me of this song:



New member
There's also the Tito factor. When the press asked him about Thiago's clause, there was still a game to be played. And if Tito had played Thiago, his fee wouldn't be only 18m. Tito either was too obsessed with the 100 points, and forgot about the clause, or didn't care. That's why I don't blame Thiago. Tito's way of handling the younger players has been awful.
Don't think that's accurate: Tito had to play 60% of the available minutes, not 60% of the available games. That 1 game wouldn't have made a difference, from what I read.


Wild Man of Borneo
If Tito had played him in the last matches which would/could have raised his clause to 90m then we could have negotiated a bigger price for Thiago if he wanted to leave.

We're ending up with peanuts now... :(

I'm not saying he doesn't take any blame. But some of the hate here is so mindless and unnecessary


Senior Member
There's also the Tito factor. When the press asked him about Thiago's clause, there was still a game to be played. And if Tito had played Thiago, his fee wouldn't be only 18m. Tito either was too obsessed with the 100 points, and forgot about the clause, or didn't care. That's why I don't blame Thiago. Tito's way of handling the younger players has been awful.

COuldn' agree more, like Dega loves..said he hated when they lost we are all fans of Barca not Man utd nor Thiago, so I don't need to like his decision nor send him hugs and kisses in his future club BUT the only one I don't like in this situation is our managment. Who ever we want to buy, no matter how unestablished the player is they ask ridiculous sum of money, yet we are "selling" top prospect for 18 mil - AFWFUL!


Senior Member
You havnt lost him yet and he wont be playing with neymar and Messi, he'll be watching them, thats the problem.

True. But again, I don't understand who he thinks he is. He has a good showing in a tournament that is, with all respect due, a 'B' level competition and thinks he is God's gift to football? Come on.

This kids been reading his own press too much.

Considering Barça pretty much gave him his career and taught him the skills he has now, you'd expect him to be a little more appreciative.

Again, like Gaudii said, if he wants more time, be better than Xavi. If he is as good as he thinks he is, it shouldn't be inconceivable for him to replace Xavi by the end of the season…

I swear if he leaves, and then flops like I think he will, we better not start hearing about how much he "misses his home."

To my fellow cules, it's okay we still got :cesc:

Someone is going to step up and replace Xavi (or at least reduce his playing time) and if its not Thiago, I don't think it would be a stretch to say Cesc isn't far away from having a breakout season here


Active member
I swear if he leaves, and then flops like I think he will, we better not start hearing about how much he "misses his home."

To my fellow cules, it's okay we still got :cesc:

Someone is going to step up and replace Xavi (or at least reduce his playing time) and if its not Thiago, I don't think it would be a stretch to say Cesc isn't far away from having a breakout season here

I don't want another Cesc drama and management mistake

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