Thiago Translantara


New member
Seems like just a misunderstanding as it's hard sometimes to understand tone of voice over the internet. I've sometimes said things & then reread them after only to realize how rude it could have sounded. As well as had my fair share of misunderstanding others. Hopefully he comes back & this all blows over.

Why have my posts in this thread been removed.

I tried to point out that no-one was being rude, a comment was picked up wrong, and then insinuated that to leave the thread was immature. What is wrong with that?

I'm looking at others calling ppl morons and retarded and idiots and nothing being done about that.

This forum is being turned into a strong opinion free zone. I didnt abuse anyone, i asked a person how old he was.


New member
Why have my posts in this thread been removed.

I tried to point out that no-one was being rude, a comment was picked up wrong, and then insinuated that to leave the thread was immature. What is wrong with that?

I'm looking at others calling ppl morons and retarded and idiots and nothing being done about that.

This forum is being turned into a strong opinion free zone. I didnt abuse anyone, i asked a person how old he was.

I wasn't the one who deleted it. I'm guessing it was done so this doesn't turn into pages of discussion about whether someone was being rude or not.

And I don't know what you mean when you say nothing is being done about personal insults, we step in on that all the time. If we haven't taken action, it means we haven't seen it, so best to use the report button there.


As long, as we won't sign a CB, we will keep him to convert him.


Sorry, guys. :D


New member
Freixa (spokesman board): "Situation Thiago? There's no news. He has a contract and didn't say anything, so he's still a Barça player now." @barcastuff


New member
Freixa (spokesman board): "Situation Thiago? There's no news. He has a contract and didn't say anything, so he's still a Barça player now." @barcastuff

Now I'm worried. Those are the words usually comes when the player is closer than ever to leave.


Mike the Knife
Important to point out that barcastuff didn't translate that quote accurately, there was no 'now' in the comment from Freixa


New member
Freixa (spokesman board): "Situation Thiago? There's no news. He has a contract and didn't say anything, so he's still a Barça player now." @barcastuff

The actual words from Freixa. No now in the sentence.

"Thiago no nos ha comunicado nada y es un jugador que tiene contrato en vigor".

"Thiago has not communicated anything to us and is a player with a valid contract"


Culé de Celestial Empire
The apparent total lack of urgency and efforts (reflected in the above tweet) on Barca's part to persuade him to stay worries me. It appears that the management really doesn't care one way or the other.
The apparent total lack of urgency and efforts (reflected in the above tweet) on Barca's part to persuade him to stay worries me. It appears that the management really doesn't care one way or the other.
It's not that they don't care, I think he's honest in saying Thiago hasn't told them anything about leaving. Why would they try to convince Thiago, someone who hasn't said they are leaving, to stay? (Assuming that's truly the case). Now, remember how papers kept saying that Since Thiago and United had come to an agreement, Thiago would then announce barca he's leaving ? It seems Thiago is about to give thm the news of him leaving.

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