Thiago Translantara


New member
The exact wording was:
"The most important thing for Thiago is that he keeps on getting games. I think he'd get them at Barça."

That's all he can say. It was very apparent to me that he's trying to tell Thiago the best way to get a spot on his World Cup roster would be to stay @ Barca and get games. Even Mata as much of a beast he is with Chelsea looks out of place w/ La Roja.

Del Bosque knows Thiago staying with Barcelona and being groomed by us all year will only help La Roja. Him going abroad and learning a completely different system doesn't help out La Roja one bit. It certainly doesn't help out Thiago's chances of featuring with La Roja either next summer.

There's hearsay that Tito plans on giving Xavi significantly less minutes next season. Those minutes would most certainly go to Thiago if he stays.

Than again it could be all about the money. I'm sure Manchester United is offering more than we are.

the minute will go to cesc and not thiago,cesc is valued way higher than thiago,xavi getting less minute is because of arrival of neymar which will greatly reduce cesc playing time unless xavi sacrifices part of his.


New member
Espn reporting thiago silva is signing with you guys, if true does this impact thiago in anyway? in terms of trying to get some funds back in - considering he was meant to be up for sale 2 months ago? Or is villas money enough? I mean the release clause is only 3 or 4 times villas money so may not impact at all just curious really.


New member
Who says it's a deadline?

This. The preseason starting doesn't mean players can't leave or arrive afterwards. The only deadline we should talk about is August 1st, when Thiago's buyout clause allegedly returns to 90 million.


New member
This. The preseason starting doesn't mean players can't leave or arrive afterwards. The only deadline we should talk about is August 1st, when Thiago's buyout clause allegedly returns to 90 million.

Was the rumour of a 10 day deadline from the 5th false then? Been following rather loosely past week or so.


Espn reporting thiago silva is signing with you guys, if true does this impact thiago in anyway? in terms of trying to get some funds back in - considering he was meant to be up for sale 2 months ago? Or is villas money enough? I mean the release clause is only 3 or 4 times villas money so may not impact at all just curious really.

I think they are two different, unconnected things. This is a rich club. There are budgets, but those are objectives, guidelines, not firm and fast. The big Villa money is his payroll coming off the books. The team is very concerned about how much each player is paid compared to their worth to the team, to avoid morale problems among all the superb squad. Villa was earning way to much for his recent level, Thiago Alcantara way to little, Thiago Silva's wage at PSG is way too high for the Barca wage structure.

If the team splurges for both Thiago Silva and Neymar this year, they will probably just go way low on purchases the next couple years. They were underbudget last year, they are quite picky on acquisitions. They do not want Thiago to go for just 18M euros, it must have been a management oversight to not get the release clause increased by more playing time.


Was the rumour of a 10 day deadline from the 5th false then? Been following rather loosely past week or so.

Who knows? All I know for sure is Thiago is enjoying his vacations at Costa Brava, while we worry about him :p



Culé de Celestial Empire
The very fact that amid all the rumors of him leaving he hasn't come out to deny anything (like how Thiago Silva quickly denied the rumor of him agreeing to a 5-year contract with us) is very unsettling.

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