Thiago Translantara


New member
Ever since you registered it's been absolute anarchy! People are getting off topic, totally disregarding rules, I wonder how long it's going to be until we start devolving into apes! Listen, we are one step away from masturbating in public and flinging shit at each other during debates! GET RID OF HIM NOW, HE IS THE BANE OF THIS FORUM.

Looks like Wenger's going Barcelona fishing again.


Mr. Japes
him and myrm... jeez guys....

ban the smug bastards!

What did I do :lol:


New member
At times, it's not even overtrying, he looks like he's on the training ground trying out some cute flick for the fans or something...There was one against Almeria that really p'd me off that could've ended up in a very dangerous counter

That's the thing I have a hard time understanding with the kid, this is a recurring issue with him...At least it was early rather than late as it appeared he increased his focus as the match went on...Do love the way he will go in to win a ball back

True but he is still just a kid. He will be coached out of such habits.

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