Thiago Translantara


Wild Man of Borneo
Again, the "fact" that the club didn't persuade him to stay is based on the assmuption that Thiago was telling the truth. So far only Thiago came out and said so (amid contractions regarding whether he and ManU were ever in contact), we have not heard from our club what really happened.

The club does that all the time, it's nothing surprising enough to be construed as a lie.


New member
If you're referring to David Villa then I'm not applying double standards. We treated the guy like shit and he worked so hard for us and was a successful signing. If we actually played him regularly after he was finally declared fit he would have found his form, he was still scoring goals with ease especially compared to Pedro and Alexis. In the end though we ruined him and it was for the best we get him off the wage bill.

As for Thiago, perhaps I was overreacting, as new information comes out I change my mind. I still think he was impatient though and if he stayed he could have succeeded here.

I wasn't replying to anyone in specific. :) This just seems to be the general consensus around here nowadays.

Actually now that we're talking about it, it's all starting to make perfect sense. Some absurd things that have been happening throughout the season all make sense now... Considering how openly happy the club is about getting Villa off the wage bill and how they're fine with selling him for that ridiculous fee, I would dare to presume that they deliberately treated him like shit all season long, just to push him to the point where he wants to leave, so they can get him off the wage bill without looking like the bad guys. Poor guy probably wanted to stay, he was happy here, but Rosell had a different plan.

Abidal also a good example. Wanted to stay, was shipped out for "sporting" reasons.

I was, in fact, referring to Villa and Abidal. The club had no reason not to renew his contract. Abidal is not an idiot. He knows better than anyone what he's been through and what can be expected of him. He wasn't looking to be a regular, he was probably willing to take a paycut as well. In fact, it would be great to have him around as an extra CB, because we know how bad things are here with CBs. It would make all the sense in the world to keep him, but no. He wanted to stay, but they shut him out and wouldn't even talk to him until his contract expired.

That's not clear. If he was on € 3M at Barca and Bayern gave him € 5M instead of "normally" € 6M that's also a "pay cut" but effectively he's still earning more.

Do we have the actual numbers, though? Because by default it would mean that he took a paycut in comparison to his salary at FCB. What's a "normal" salary anyway? Bayern probably has a standardized wage system for their academy players who are promoted, but for every player who was signed from elsewhere they probably make individual deals. EDIT: Although I must say that the part where he pays 4m out of his pocket only makes sense if he's taking a paycut comparing to what were supposed to be his wages at Bayern. But again, even so, it doesn't mean he's earning more.
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Comparing Thiago to Figo also makes no sense. Figo was the captain, really important for Barça back then. Thiago was just a squad player. Because that's what he was, no matter how promising. That's the reason I don't understand why so many are demonizing him. He didn't feel valued and wanted more playing time, so he went after that. Maybe all this rage is actually fear, for the possibility of him becoming really good in the future, but then the fault is with the club.

When I think Xavi could've left, and didn't just because of his mom(his dad wanted him to go), it's just another reason to not judge and hate Thiago. No one here can say Xavi is not a cule, but he was really close of joining Milan in 99.


Wild Man of Borneo
Thank you Stric and Flavia for silencing the people who were blindly raging or hating on Thiago, quality posts from the both of you.


High Definition Member
Good points about Villa. We do this all the time, if we want to move a player on we treat them like crap and then offload them in the summer. He was finally fit again and scoring well. We could have played him and integrated him back, but as you say we needed to shift him off the wage and would have looked bad if we dumped him after he was playing well. We decided to treat the guy like shit and ruin any chance he had of regaining his form. It was to make room for Neymar on the left wing spot which was the plan all along.

This isn't a conspiracy either. It was actually what likely happened especially when you look at Abidal's situation. With new information on Thiago, I'm starting to change my mind. Maybe the kid has a point, and I can understand him leaving. He probably didnt even want to leave at first but threatened to, hoping we would show support for him and how important he was, but we did our usual thing.


World Champion
but for every player who was signed from elsewhere they probably make individual deals.

Well, that's what I mean. If he pays € 4M from his own pocket and he signed a 5 year contract he's giving up on a bit less than € 1M per year. However he can still earn more than he did at Barca if for example he was at € 3M at Barca and Bayern give him € 5M minus € 1M per year = € 4M per year - still more than at Barca.

Having said that I don't think he left for money. He left because he's full of himself. "Underappreciated". LOL. Good luck being appreciated in a club whose fans never really wanted him because he could take away game time from their own homegrown talent.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Thank you Stric and Flavia for silencing the people who were blindly raging or hating on Thiago, quality posts from the both of you.

Again, you can't expect everyone to feel the same way you do. That goes both ways, Thiago lovers and Thiago haters. It would be extremely boring if everyone loves him or hates him.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Having said that I don't think he left for money. He left because he's full of himself. "Underappreciated". LOL. Good luck being appreciated in a club whose fans never really wanted him because he could take away game time from their own homegrown talent.

Good post. That said, I wanted to point out that Bayern fans who were overwhemlingly negative about him joining Bayern have started to appreciate him. But still, depending on how big Thiago's ego is and what makes him feel appreciated, it could still be a question mark.

If he expects to be a starter at every game, he will feel "unappreciated" again. If he is OK with rotation and starting close to half of the games, then he probably will be fine.


Wild Man of Borneo
Again, you can't expect everyone to feel the same way you do. That goes both ways, Thiago lovers and Thiago haters. It would be extremely boring if everyone loves him or hates him.

I'm not expecting everyone to feel the same way or have a unanimous opinion, just saying that if you are going to repetitively express your hate for him then at least use logic and reason to back it up rather than wild conspiracy theories or extremism.


High Definition Member
I think his future was uncertain here where at Bayern it is certain. Even if he gets objectively less playing time he is still a part of future plans and part of the project.

Also, this is the first time I've changed my mind on an opinion in a long time, I'm trying to be more humble and see that I can be wrong. For too long I've been arrogant.
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New member
Good points about Villa. We do this all the time, if we want to move a player on we treat them like crap and then offload them in the summer. He was finally fit again and scoring well. We could have played him and integrated him back, but as you say we needed to shift him off the wage and would have looked bad if we dumped him after he was playing well. We decided to treat the guy like shit and ruin any chance he had of regaining his form. It was to make room for Neymar on the left wing spot which was the plan all along.

This isn't a conspiracy either. It was actually what likely happened especially when you look at Abidal's situation. With new information on Thiago, I'm starting to change my mind. Maybe the kid has a point, and I can understand him leaving. He probably didnt even want to leave at first but threatened to, hoping we would show support for him and how important he was, but we did our usual thing.

Exactly. How could I forget to mention Neymar? :lol: You're right. All along it was about making room for Neymar and pushing Villa out before he enters the final year of his contract when his wages go up.

I also agree about that last part... I mean, come on?! Who would want to leave Barcelona just because? Nobody. I believe that both Thiago and Villa would have preferred to stay if the situation was a bit different.

Thank you Stric and Flavia for silencing the people who were blindly raging or hating on Thiago, quality posts from the both of you.



Well, that's what I mean. If he pays € 4M from his own pocket and he signed a 5 year contract he's giving up on a bit less than € 1M per year. However he can still earn more than he did at Barca if for example he was at € 3M at Barca and Bayern give him € 5M minus € 1M per year = € 4M per year - still more than at Barca.

Having said that I don't think he left for money. He left because he's full of himself. "Underappreciated". LOL. Good luck being appreciated in a club whose fans never really wanted him because he could take away game time from their own homegrown talent.

I get the logic, it's solid. Even if it's a paycut only within Bayern's structure, it's still possible that he earns more than he did at FCB, but it's also possible he earns less. Unless we know the actual numbers for his wages at both Barca and Bayern, we can't tell.

At least he feels appreciated by Pep, his coach, and that's a big part.

I think his future was uncertain here where at Bayern it is certain. Even if he gets objectively less playing time he is still a part of future plans and part of the project.

Also, this is the first time I've changed my mind on an opinion in a long time, I'm trying to be more humble and see that I can be wrong. For too long I've been arrogant.

You don't often see people do this and be honest about it. Good for you, man! I wish I was like that more often.
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Senior Member
I'm not expecting everyone to feel the same way or have a unanimous opinion, just saying that if you are going to repetitively express your hate for him then at least use logic and reason to back it up rather than wild conspiracy theories or extremism.
You're more of a fan of Pep and Thiago than of Barca..i wouldn't be surprised if you start supporting Bayern in coming years..


New member
I quite remember tito telling the press that he talked to thiago and tried to convince him, So it's either one of those 3 things:
1-Tito lied (Highly unlikely)
2-Thiago lied (Unlikely)
3-Thiago had a different meaning to 'valuing' him, Which doesn't involve regular talks with the coach, But talks with the club about improved contract. (Most likely)

Here is the thing, You don't get to expect a better contract by simply being good enough to stay on the bench, And certainly not when you already intend to leave, What a spoiled brat.
Thank god he's gone.

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