Thiago Translantara


New member
Well at least now it's clear, and people that have said otherwise have something to shut them up. Up until now, people were saying how we don't know if the club had offered him anything to convince him to stay, and how Thiago was just looking to get out and "betray" the club (whatever that means). Now we know. It was obvious Thiago could leave and the club did nothing to stop him. I'd bet it probably wouldn't even take an improved contract, just a verbal agreement with Tito that he'd count him in more often. The club never gave a shit if he stays or leaves, not at any point.
Where did money come into question? If it was money, I'm sure Madrid and United would've offered plenty. :lol: You made one assumption about money and now stick to it as if it's pure fact when there's not even a shred of evidence. Your logic clearly states "if not playing time--->money-hungry mercenary". He was waiting for Barca to persuade him to stay, that doesn't necessarily mean a loaded contract.

Will he be making more money at Bayern than Barca? *check*

If Barca didn't have to offer him more playing time to persuade him to stay, then what would have taken to persuade him?
(knowing that Bayern had made him a better monetary offer as soon as last season was over)

You think he would have stayed if Barca sang lullabies to him? ( it's that what would have taken for him to feel appreciated?).
b.c ,according to him, he wasn't leaving for playing time.
How do you demonstrate a player that you appreciate him ( if he doesn't care about playing time?).
Do you compose them poems?
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Well at least now it's clear, and people that have said otherwise have something to shut them up. Up until now, people were saying how we don't know if the club had offered him anything to convince him to stay, and how Thiago was just looking to get out and "betray" the club (whatever that means). Now we know. It was obvious Thiago could leave and the club did nothing to stop him. I'd bet it probably wouldn't even take an improved contract, just a verbal agreement with Tito that he'd count him in more often. The club never gave a shit if he stays or leaves, not at any point.
It won't matter what he says, just read the previous pages. Feeling valued turned into money, even though he would make more at utd. Some will keep labeling him as a traitor, no matter what.


Senior Member
Well at least now it's clear, and people that have said otherwise have something to shut them up. Up until now, people were saying how we don't know if the club had offered him anything to convince him to stay, and how Thiago was just looking to get out and "betray" the club (whatever that means). Now we know. It was obvious Thiago could leave and the club did nothing to stop him. I'd bet it probably wouldn't even take an improved contract, just a verbal agreement with Tito that he'd count him in more often. The club never gave a shit if he stays or leaves, not at any point.

Question is: why? What's the point, especially knowing his release clause?


Culé de Celestial Empire
If he already made a decision to leave anyway, why did he care about whether Barca tried to persuade him to stay or not? I am leaving guys, but please show me how much you love me by telling me to stay?


New member
It won't matter what he says, just read the previous pages. Feeling valued turned into money, even though he would make more at utd. Some will keep labeling him as a traitor, no matter what.

Sadly, you're right. I bet if Rosell came out tomorrow and said that he was glad that Thiago left and that they couldn't wait to get rid of him, for a bunch of people, Thiago would still be the traitor.

He won't make more money at bayern, he took a paycut, like cesc did to join barça.

But it's still about the money, he's a traitor!!111!!one!1!!
Reminds me how Figo didn't feel appreciated either when he decided to leave ( even though he was loved by the fans, teammates and he was our captain ).


New member
The guy took a paycut and moved to another country to get more playing time under a coach who recognizes his talent. What more do you need to understand this wasn't about money?


Culé de Celestial Empire
It won't matter what he says, just read the previous pages. Feeling valued turned into money, even though he would make more at utd. Some will keep labeling him as a traitor, no matter what.

Assuming what Thiago said was what really happened. There is a good chance that he is lying.


New member
First no one did know about Thagos release clause now no one cared about him staying at Barca. Im very confused right now or impressed because we will see even better young midfielders in a near future. ( Gündogan )


Culé de Celestial Empire
The guy took a paycut and moved to another country to get more playing time under a coach who recognizes his talent. What more do you need to understand this wasn't about money?

Agreed. It is not about money. It is about playing time. If Bayern benches him, he is going to join another team that is going to guarantee him playing time.


New member
Tito didn't know about the buyout clause thing, and you could say it's not his fault then. You could also say, however, that he wasn't involved enough if he never made the effort to know these things in order to keep his squad together. But anyhow, Rosell did know about the clause, and Rosell follows what's happening with the team and who's playing. He easily could have told Tito about the clause and suggested that he plays him a bit more to make sure the clause goes up to 90 million.... IF HE CARED. Which he didn't. Or maybe he did tell Tito, but Tito didn't care. Either way, the club had several very easy ways (none of which included money) to keep him here if they wanted to, which they obviously didn't.


Agreed. It is not about money. It is about playing time. If Bayern benches him, he is going to join another team that is going to guarantee him playing time.
Even if it happens, then what? He has to do what's best for him. I said this before, will do it again: When a club disposes of a player, for whatever reason, no one acts like this. Players come and go. Thiago did nothing wrong, he's just doing what's best for his career.

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