Thiago Translantara


New member
Why on earth anybody never mind a famous footballer would resort to sleeping with a prostitute is beyond me !!
I would imagine because when your on the road with barely any time to socialize or go out and meet people it's easier to find "classy" prostitutes, rumor is some agents hook it up for players etc


New member
Quote from MD: "Barça will always be my home. Not only the club, also the city. I always wear them so much love. You never know if I'll be back, I'm very happy at Bayern, but football changes a lot. Anything can happen."

He would be great in our midfield, but as he extended 7 months ago until 2021 (29 years old by then), I don't think a transfer is realistic.
Bayern wouldn't sell, even if he pressures them, why should they?

El Flaco

Active member
For Spanish-speakers, here's the original interview Thiago interview made with 'El Club de la Mitjanit' for those who wants to listen it.



Well-known member
Quote from MD: "Barça will always be my home. Not only the club, also the city. I always wear them so much love. You never know if I'll be back, I'm very happy at Bayern, but football changes a lot. Anything can happen."

He would be great in our midfield, but as he extended 7 months ago until 2021 (29 years old by then), I don't think a transfer is realistic.
Bayern wouldn't sell, even if he pressures them, why should they?

It's lost case. It's a big shame. We made huge mistake with him.


New member
If he requests to leave bayern wouldn't hold him back
we have good relations with them so.. idk not totally impossible, we can give them rakitic haha


Senior Member
If he requests to leave bayern wouldn't hold him back
we have good relations with them so.. idk not totally impossible, we can give them rakitic haha

May be, but not next summer at least.
Bayern is at transition atm, with the likes of Robben & Ribery has their contract to expire next summer, Vidal in the next one (and there is rumors they will try to get rid of him earlier) I doubt they will let one of their best players to be sold even if he requested.
And in 2019 he will be 28, so I would pass on signing him


New member
I can think of no one more suited for our midfield than Thiago tbh! I'd rather have him than Verratti.

Only problem is injuries...

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