Thiago Translantara

he doesn't want to return

He wouldn't push for a return, but I doubt he'd mind it now that he'd be a starter.

I personally never want to see his face near Camp Nou.

Why? It's the board and coach that pushed him out. It's their fault he left. It wasn't like the Sneyke transfer, he even took a paycut to join Bayern. Never understood why some fans hate Thiago. That hatred should be directed at the board for pushing him out. It's not like he left for money.
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Active member
All Sandro's fault. To fund Neymar's acquisition he had to sell Thiago, not only that, we missed a chance to sign Isco in 2013 for 30m just for Neymar!


Senior Member
Did he really?

Possible, haven't heard of that, I'd love him even more if he did. Bayern pays a lot less in wages than Barca.
But he had the wages of a sub at Barca and also the wages of a sub at Bayern, no idea which were higher. Recently he became one of their top earners though.


New member
What Xavi had to say the other day about Thiago:

the move never happened

Xavi was also critical of the failure to use the club's youth academy, and said: 'When in doubt use the players coming through. Thiago Alcantara left and had every right to because he was not getting the chances.'

I can't agree more, it was obvious he was a pretty unique talent but he just was not getting any minutes, even when the title was won and we needed 100 points, we were afraid to risk him.

To this day I still can't fathom what the fuk Tito was doing.


President of FC Barcelona
Losing Thiago was one thing. Also not signing Isco who was supremely talented and doing so well for Malaga in the CL was another failure.

Like someone else here said. If you play well and do well, but still don't win many titles, that's easier to take than gross mismanagement, and this board have turned a golden situation into something where we have to spend an insane amount of money to renew our squad.

Imagine if you had Thiago and Isco at the club right now, or Kroos and Isco. Not to forget Asensio.

If we had signed proper CBs instead of dicking around Thiago Silva and then Marquinhos. Not wasted money on Vermaelen and given Grimaldo a chance for the 1st team.
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Losing Thiago was one thing. Also not signing Isco who was supremely talented and doing so well for Malaga in the CL was another failure.

Yup, not signing a replacement for him with Xavi on his last legs and Iniesta at 30 was another massive failure.

B-but... we had Fabregas :lol:

What we should have done that year is sell Fabregas, keep Thiago and sign Isco. Honestly, in hindsight I'm starting to think I'd rather have done that than sign Sneyke who was going to leave for more money in a few seasons anyway. Hell with a Fabregas sale, we could easily have bought the 30m Isco on top of the Sneyke signing.
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President of FC Barcelona
I want him to succeed. I don't blame him for leaving. Things could have been much better had some people within the club had vision and not been short sighted and lived in the past........

Still sad though....

Not hindsight here. Just a lack of vision from the club.

Looking back to 2013, I sure as hell shit-posted a lot. Damn :lol:
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The moment it happened? Except the moments we won the treble and the double you mean?

Even during the treble season, the midfield was the weakest part of the team by far. We won that mostly due to MSN and Lucho making Pique and Alves get their shit together. Rakitic and Iniesta were much better then than they are now but it was clear even back then that the midfield needed serious reinforcement.

Letting go of Thiago was an incredibly short-sighted move by us. Again, this board's greatest mistake by far, with the possible exception of the Paulinho signing. I can't believe there are people who still defend this or blame Thiago or label him a traitor. There is no way to defend this. Literally none whatsoever.
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Senior Member
Strange article I read in croatian media that he is gay and had a thing with JDS? Maybe that's why they didn't fight to keep him?


Senior Member
I think Bayern have enough traansfer problems on their hands that they wouldn't even the exercise the thought of letting him go.

He hasn't been playing well for them so far this season though.

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