Thiago Translantara


New member
What do you make of the fact Vilanova new about this clause and what would happen if he didnt play Thiago yet ignored it anyway? all this drama could have been so easily avoided but wasn't, why? it dosnt make any sense, why not just play him in that dead rubber game and erase all this uproar? do the club intend and want to cash in on him?

Because the number of minutes required was unattainable and has probably been for a while. No one except the lawyers involved, Rosell, Thiago's agent and a select few who have seen the contract know exactly how the clause work. The whole thing about Thiago having to play just one more match is yet another piece of speculation that became true only because it's been repeated over and over.


Improvin' Perfection!!
You think its about money? why then would he and his advisers be talking to Manchester United then? why not one of the nouveau riche clubs like PSG or Monaco? maybe an Anzi or at least a Chelsea or City? all these clubs offer greater financial reward than Manchester United or Barcelona.

I dont think its about money, i saw an interview with him before the U21 tournament where a female reporter asked him about his 'low release clause' and what he made of it, his words were something like 18 million is a lot of money no? didnt strike me as someone who had his eye on $$$ but who knows, didnt he last sign a contract with you on really low wages to?
How about he would prefer to stay back home (coz trying to get used to new style in a new country could deteriorate his chance to play the WC) but with a hell of an increase in his wages to boot?

May be he's using the interest from Man UTD to earn a huge pay rise back home? If his plan didn't work and Barca didn't agree his proposed raise in wages, he would still get to play for a top club, as a starter and a huge pay-check! So it's a win-win situation for the kid :shrug:
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Playing Thiago in the last game of the season wouldn't have changed anything because Thiago's contract didn't just demand 60 % of playing time but also at least 30 minutes per game. Otherwise such a contract would be stupid in the first place. The coaches could have subbed him in in the 89th minute in every game and avoided that clause quite easily.

Good to know. His contract still is quite confusing to me. So, if Tito really didn't know, Zubi and Rosell stayed quiet for some reason.


He was given some game time this season. I'm sure he'd play even more the next, and the season after that I'm sure Xavi will no longer be a starter.

Heck, Fabregas isn't a starter now and is fine with that even though he is older than Thiago.

We'll see what happens...


Senior Member
I think it comes down to the fact that he knows if he was at almost any other club in world football right now hed be not only a regular player but a star, i think thats the root of the issue, theres a fine line between confidence and arrogance of course but he feels hes good enough and dosnt feel appreciated enough at Barca, hes 22 so hes not a kid anymore at 22 a lot of players even at your great club were already world stars, id imagine he just dosnt want to lose out on a few years of regular football he would get elsewhere.

And i agree with you about your academy, the way you develop players you'll have a new Thiago not far away, i dont quite know how you do this its highly frustrating for me watching you develop and bring through all these fabulous kids whod all to a man walk into our first team and improve it dramatically! but i really admire it, its a great skill and you should be rightly proud of it.

Here's my point: I'd completely understand this move if Xavi was like 28-29 and still had like a good five years of his prime left. But he's not, he's 34 and honestly has a year maybe two tops before his time is pretty much over. WC 2014 will be Xavi's curtain call. So I'm saying if Thiago stayed for at least this year, he would have a very good chance of being able to take over the reigns. It's not like he is going to be riding the pine for another 3 or 4 years before he gets his shot.

Again, Iniesta and Xavi weren't regular starters until they were around 24 or 25 and he has the potential along with Cesc to really start making Barça his own. Like his times right around the corner, which is why I'm so frustrated with him leaving right now.

Hell, I'd say give it another year and if he still isn't happy with his playing time, be on your way. He'd only be 23, would still have his entire career ahead of him and he will be physically stronger and a more seasoned and matured player.

Ultimately, he is only a year away from being able to be THE man in our midfield (next to Iniesta), could put Cesc on the bench (even tho I love the guy) and become the next la masia icon leading us to glory. Why throw that away by making a high risk move to a league that really doesn't complement his style and join a team who just lost the man who has led that team for nearly a quarter of a century? Ehh...

Sorry reds, I'm not sold on Moyes being your man.
Trully don't know, but if they, for some unknown reason, wanted to sell him, they would fins suitors with price at least 30 mil and also they would be in control. So I see no reason to do that purposely.
Yet, I'm always amazed how Real is able to stack players an keep them all happy and we can't with 5 players for 3 positions!?
It's quite interesting that in this days with all Thiago saga Madrid signed Isco (similar player talent wise) in already stacked midfield

Madrid are a circus club who care little for their players in my opinion, they as you rightly say simply stockpile the latest big names regardless of the need for them, they have no problem dumping anyone they deem surplus to requirements all because theyve got a shiny new toy, one of the many reasons why i despise that club and why i never understand why young players especially risk their careers joining, the number of young players that club have ruined and flushed down the toilet forever is sickening.
Playing Thiago in the last game of the season wouldn't have changed anything because Thiago's contract didn't just demand 60 % of playing time but also at least 30 minutes per game. Otherwise such a contract would be stupid in the first place. The coaches could have subbed him in in the 89th minute in every game and avoided that clause quite easily.

I see, ok fair enough, but surely after you'd effectively won the league before the new year you could have used Thiago more and avoided this situation? why not even save Xavi exclusively for champions league games and use Thiago in La Liga when it became obvious la liga was finished? it dosnt make sense why you even with nothing to play for continued to dose up a clearly unfit Xavi rather than use Thiago, which makes me wonder if the board had/have an ulterior motive.
How about he would prefer to stay back home (coz trying to get used to new style in a new country could deteriorate his chance to play the WC) but with a hell of an increase in his wages to boot?

May be he's using the interest from Man UTD to earn a huge pay rise back home? If his plan didn't work and Barca didn't agree his proposed raise in wages, he would still get to play for a top club, as a starter and a huge pay-check! So it's a win-win situation for the kid :shrug:

Yup could quite easily be the case, i remain convinced the longer this drags on the likelier he is to stay.


Senior Member
Madrid are a circus club who care little for their players in my opinion, they as you rightly say simply stockpile the latest big names regardless of the need for them, they have no problem dumping anyone they deem surplus to requirements all because theyve got a shiny new toy, one of the many reasons why i despise that club and why i never understand why young players especially risk their careers joining, the number of young players that club have ruined and flushed down the toilet forever is sickening.

Puta Madrid. Never understand why any young player would join that club with their track record.

Although this is highly unlikely, if the Thiago move falls through, you guys should make a move for Ozil. If I was him, I'd be REAL pissed (no pun intended) with them signing Isco. Unlike Thiago, I think Ozil would be much better suited to your style of play since he has always played in fast paced, counter-attacking teams. Ozil-Kagawa behind Van Persie would give Mou some real headaches next season


World Champion
I see, ok fair enough, but surely after you'd effectively won the league before the new year you could have used Thiago more and avoided this situation? why not even save Xavi exclusively for champions league games and use Thiago in La Liga when it became obvious la liga was finished? it dosnt make sense why you even with nothing to play for continued to dose up a clearly unfit Xavi rather than use Thiago, which makes me wonder if the board had/have an ulterior motive.

People say "Barca won the league back in December already" but that's only true to an extent. Last season Real Madrid had a similar double digit lead at some point and yet we almost catched them. Had we won the Clasico at home we could have made it a 1 point gap towards the end of the season. But other than that Xavi played because the second half of the season was full of big games. 3 Clasicos, all the Champions League knockout games ... You can't just "save" Xavi for those games. He needs rythm, match fitness, regain some form (especially after his injury) etc. so he ended up playing all possible games. Squad rotation rarely functions like fans imagine it should I'm afraid.
Here's my point: I'd completely understand this move if Xavi was like 28-29 and still had like a good five years of his prime left. But he's not, he's 34 and honestly has a year maybe two tops before his time is pretty much over. WC 2014 will be Xavi's curtain call. So I'm saying if Thiago stayed for at least this year, he would have a very good chance of being able to take over the reigns. It's not like he is going to be riding the pine for another 3 or 4 years before he gets his shot.

Again, Iniesta and Xavi weren't regular starters until they were around 24 or 25 and he has the potential along with Cesc to really start making Barça his own. Like his times right around the corner, which is why I'm so frustrated with him leaving right now.

Hell, I'd say give it another year and if he still isn't happy with his playing time, be on your way. He'd only be 23, would still have his entire career ahead of him and he will be physically stronger and a more seasoned and matured player.

Ultimately, he is only a year away from being able to be THE man in our midfield (next to Iniesta), could put Cesc on the bench (even tho I love the guy) and become the next la masia icon leading us to glory. Why throw that away by making a high risk move to a league that really doesn't complement his style and join a team who just lost the man who has led that team for nearly a quarter of a century? Ehh...

Sorry reds, I'm not sold on Moyes being your man.

Good post and i see perfectly where your coming from, id probably say the exact same thing in your shoes.

But heres the thing, firstly there's no guarantee when Xavi will call it a day, it could be in the next 2 years, it could be next year, it may not be in 3 years, ive seen legends at my own club play on till nearer 40 and still be great players, now thats rare i know and our midfield dosnt have anything like the options yours has but its not impossible that Xavi remains good enough for at least the next 2 or 3 years, theres no guarantee for thiago when this spot becomes available full time.

Secondly there's the small matter of fabregas and to a lesser extent Iniesta, Iniesta is one of those 28-29 year olds in his prime you describe and is going nowhere, Fabregas is in direct competition for that Xavi spot along with Thiago, and at the moment hes ahead of Thiago so its not even just a case of when Xavi cant play Thiago can, Fabregas needs games to, and given how much effort your club went to to get him back from arsenal for great expense i don't see you ignoring him to the level it would currently require to satisfy Thiagos needs, is that fair?

For what its worth we said the same things to Pogba about being patient, used club legends like Scholes and Giggs as examples of what rewards patience, told him to wait and hed get there, he wasn't interested and sought the riches and regular games at another club, the point here is not all players care what others previously did, Thiago might not be infatuated with emulating Xavi and Iniesta's route to he top, he might not care to wait another year or 2 or even 3 to make the grade when he can do so right now, i dont know, but not all players can be convinced by that talk as we know to our cost very recently, also Thiago might say it was different for these players, they didnt have a Xavi or an Iniesta ahead of them.

As for Moyes, time will tell, im 50/50 myself, he did a great job at Everton on a nothing budget and had them regularly competing in and around European places with a team that had no right to be there. Hes a gamble in the sense hes got no top club experience but you only get that by being given the chance, a few years ago Jurgen Klopp relegated Mainz from the Bundesliga, no one outside of Germany had heard of him, fast forward to today and hes hot property, one of the most sought after managers in the world, but prior to him being given the Dortmund job hed had no previous history of success and was in a sense a big gamble, you guys have done similar things with Guardiola and Tito, although granted they were in house appointments the sentiment is the same, they were total unknowns at this level, but you gave them a chance, sometimes thats the best way to go.
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Puta Madrid. Never understand why any young player would join that club with their track record.

Although this is highly unlikely, if the Thiago move falls through, you guys should make a move for Ozil. If I was him, I'd be REAL pissed (no pun intended) with them signing Isco. Unlike Thiago, I think Ozil would be much better suited to your style of play since he has always played in fast paced, counter-attacking teams. Ozil-Kagawa behind Van Persie would give Mou some real headaches next season

Id love Ozil hes a great player but i dont think hes at the Madrid dumping stage just yet, if they get Bale mind you that could change.

I think wed be more likely to get Di Maria if anyone, i genuinely dont see where he fits in now they've signed Isco whose obviously been guaranteed game time, Ronaldo id love back but dont see it and he obviously plays every game and Ozil is a better player than Di Maria, if they then add Bale to that then Di Marias time there is definitely over and id welcome him at United in a flash, we look to be losing Nani and i dont rate Valencia, Zaha is a talented kid but very raw and not ready for regular football at this level yet so we have a space on the right wing, Di Maria would be a great option and knowing Madrid theyd probably sell him on the cheap if they had no use for him much like they did with Robben and Sneijder.
Here's my point: I'd completely understand this move if Xavi was like 28-29 and still had like a good five years of his prime left. But he's not, he's 34 and honestly has a year maybe two tops before his time is pretty much over. WC 2014 will be Xavi's curtain call. So I'm saying if Thiago stayed for at least this year, he would have a very good chance of being able to take over the reigns. It's not like he is going to be riding the pine for another 3 or 4 years before he gets his shot.

Again, Iniesta and Xavi weren't regular starters until they were around 24 or 25 and he has the potential along with Cesc to really start making Barça his own. Like his times right around the corner, which is why I'm so frustrated with him leaving right now.

Hell, I'd say give it another year and if he still isn't happy with his playing time, be on your way. He'd only be 23, would still have his entire career ahead of him and he will be physically stronger and a more seasoned and matured player.

Ultimately, he is only a year away from being able to be THE man in our midfield (next to Iniesta), could put Cesc on the bench (even tho I love the guy) and become the next la masia icon leading us to glory. Why throw that away by making a high risk move to a league that really doesn't complement his style and join a team who just lost the man who has led that team for nearly a quarter of a century? Ehh...

Sorry reds, I'm not sold on Moyes being your man.

You know posts like this make me question for how long some of fans have been following FCB. Xavi not being a regular when he was around 24 or 25 is simply absolute bullshit. I am a United fan who watches alot of football and remembering quite good that in 99/00 a then 19-20 year old Xavi replaced Pep Guardiola. Yes Iniesta did stay for that long as a back up but you simply can't compare the Thiago and Xavi situation. Thiago is 22 now and showed everyone in the u21 that he is world class talent and probably already one of the best CM in the world. Him wanting to be the main man in midfield for a big club isn't something you should hold against him. We had the same problem with Pique. It was quite clear for everyone at United that he is world class talent but we simply had Vidic and Rio in their primes. We sold him back cheap and without any problems because SAF respected his choice. The lure of his hometown club and playing week in week out, who could hold it against him. The most sensible United fans felt the same way with Pogba. Playing Ji Sung Park in CM before you give one of the most talented youngers in years to come out of our academy no game time was simply a disgrace and I respect his decision to go to Juventus. His success shows that it was the right decision for him.

Most United fans I know actually quite like Barcelona as they played some of the best football in recent years. Especially under Ronaldinho or when Messi wasn't a forward you played some simply stunning stuff. Messi and Eto'o were simply lethal. We don't have anything against you because of the CL final, because to be honest we didn't have a chance. We played with you for 10-20 min and the rest were simply football lessons for all time greats in Iniesta, Messi and Xavi. You are a great club with with a very rich history, tradition and everything. Only thing I can't stand about what also United had are simply those Glory Hunters. Not saying that the poster I quoted is a glory hunter or anything just that some act like they've been following Barca all their life and watch them probably 2-3 times year. Most fans here seem very passionate and if it's a great club to follow, just that a lot of morons think they are Barca fans when they don't even watch them in the league and only when they are on TV because of the CL.

Why we United fans are this giddy about Thiago is quite simple. We need him. We need him badly. How would you guys feel if all of a sudden Varane would tell Real Madrid he wants to leave and that Barca is his most likely destination for 18m€. We are desperate for a good CM and Thiago is simply the best CM available. There isn't a player comparable to him given his talent/age/price combination. Right now there aren't many really talented CMs in the world and the one we got SAF simply didn't play and pay until he moved on. We have Cleverley and Anderson right now as a partner for Carrick. That's simply not good enough for a club that wants to challenge for every trophy in the world.

I hope this transfer goes through and I hope even more that it will end quickly and without any hard feelings between our clubs. I don't want a Martinez situation where things got really ugly.
According to Graham Hunter Rafinha (Thiagos brother) has signed a contract extension until 2016 with a 30 million euro buy out clause, not sure if this has any effect on Thiago or not to be honest.

Could that be the reason Mazinhio was pictured with Rosell last friday?
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