Nah not exactly Galning.
Norway and Sweden have been seperate countries for nearly 1000 yaers.
Belgium is 180 years old. Before that it was French and Dutch for hundred years so not quite the same although I think I know what you mean.
But well you have after all a slightly different dialect of Dutch but you are still ethnic Dutch people. You just use a different name now and have a seperate country.

I mean the Walloons in Belgium would rather want to be a part of France than Holland much like the Flemish rather wants to be a part of Holland for obvious reasons.
Let me give you an example.
If Spain becomes divided into soverign provinces (for example into Asturias, Galicia, Andalucía, Valencia etc.)
Then even after 180 years people living in Andalucía and Extremadura will still be Spanish even though they would call themselves Andalucian/Extremadurian
But well let's leave that discussion and return to commenting on Courtois