No its bullshit, how can you even Believe it? amazing
I hope you're right, Galning. Because I can see these f*ckers selling Messi to finance the new stadium... F*ck this shit.
City and PSG currently face investigation by UEFA. No way they could spend 250m + takes for Messi..Or could they?
Qatari money.
They could but there's just no way they'd get away with selling Messi. Just no way They'll burn Barcelona to the ground if that happens. Freaking civil war.
Cant see this being true.
Could see it being leaked from either the Messi side to show the public that him leaving could be a possibilty or it could be that it is the board showing Messi they cant be held to ransom on the new contract.
Boixos would have killed them off if they sell Messi.
Again, I hope you're right. I've lurked some catalans boards and the md and sport comments, and I've seen many people in the spirit of "sell Messi while we can get a profit, he's declining, next year we won't be worth shit", etc.
This board needs to go ASAP.
In emotions...every cule loves Messi and his recent performances are clearly caused by the incompetence of the board. Must have been an idiot to shout that but still they would insult everything what exists.Wasn't one of them who was shoutting yesterday "Messi muerete"?
If this news is true i swear m8 I am going to Barcelona