I patented the lovechild remark Zanela.

Alejandro does seem to have a fixation with Sosa for reasons unknown as he hardly offers anything out of the ordinary.
Defence is fine and both fullbacks offer attacking options. And at last there appear to be some fine young fullbacks coming along whose performances in the Libertadores have caught the eye.
Matias Rodriguez has been called up and hopefully gets the chance to play. Gino Peruzzi had Neymar in his pocket when Velez played Santos and then there is Sanchez Mino at Boca.
Not neglecting Nicolas Tagliafico and Ansaldi. At some point in time Sabella needs to bleed these younger players into the team. Fernandez is aerially commanding and pretty speedy but he needs regular first team football from next season.
Silvestre and Musacchio also need consideration at some point along with Colocinni. Yes I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
Sosa unfortunately replaced Gago in the last training session which to me unbalances the side in being too attacking. This might be fine against Ecuador who will play Chelsea's favoured 10-0 formation but against other sides it is unsuitable.
Gago is a much better balance even Brana alongside Masche. I can see di Maria, Kun, Pipita and Leo all prepared to work back and defend but not him. There seems to be no defined formation upfront so I hope to see plenty of interchanging and movement.
Kun can drop into that shadow nine role with ease though I'd prefer that we have real width and di Maria hugs the left touchline. Leo ?
Yes he can be the playmaker. Though again I'd prefer that Pastore and Lamela be given that role eventually. Pastore finished the season well with PSG and Lamela under Enriques guidance at Romas has come on and improved game by game (aside from that disgusting spitting incident) and should be one to look out for next season.
If he does sit there then teams will put 1-2 DM's onto him so it is imperative other players use the space created by it and do not just watch him in amazement and put some faith into their own not too small abilities.
We saw this with Barca this season at times what has been an endemic problem with the seleccion where the solution to problems on the field seems to be ,let Leo crack it by himself.
Playing Leo there does detract from his scoring potential a bit and personally my preference is to use some other playmaker there and put Messi up top on either flank with the freedom to roam at will.
--------Messi-------------------------------------di Maria----------