Wojciech Szczęsny


Senior Member
Why did he retire? That doesn’t sit well with me.
Seems like he lost his passion

"Today, my body still feels ready for the challenges, but my heart isn’t in it anymore. I feel like it’s time to focus all my attention on my family. That’s why I’ve decided to retire from professional football," he explained.



Senior Member
Seems like he lost his passion

"Today, my body still feels ready for the challenges, but my heart isn’t in it anymore. I feel like it’s time to focus all my attention on my family. That’s why I’ve decided to retire from professional football," he explained.

Sounds like he just needed a change, turin is horrible compared to Barcelona.


President of FC Barcelona
Seems like he lost his passion

"Today, my body still feels ready for the challenges, but my heart isn’t in it anymore. I feel like it’s time to focus all my attention on my family. That’s why I’ve decided to retire from professional football," he explained.

Playing in sunny Barcelona will cure him from that Juventus/Allegri terrorismo depression


Senior Member
You know in those super heroes movies where they arrive at the former heroes house, retired, usually a farm while he's working on a tractor in the middle of nowhere.

Lewandowski walking into the barn

Szczęsny: "I thought those were your footsteps, how did you find me?

Lewy: "Your mum used to tell me about this place you liked to visit when you were young. I figured you would be here.

Szcz: "Well what do you want, can't you see I'm busy"

Lewy: "Haven't you heard, the world needs you, Stegen is gone"

Szcz: "Stegen is gone?"

Lewy: "Yeah, gone gone"

Szcz: "How did that happen"

Lewy: "He jumped, never landed. Poor guy never stood a chance"

Szcz: *Pausing for a second* "yeah well I left that life behind, I'm not going back again, not after Budapest"

Lewy: "Your our only hope Woj, there's no one else"


Szcz: "I already said NO, I'm happy here, I got a new life, I'm happy, my wife is happy. There's no stress, nothing.

Lewy: "Well in case you change your mind, here's my card

Szcz: "You should leave now"


President of FC Barcelona
Mottoa forced out a bunch of players pep style, to bring in his players

Gotta say though, even Juventus/Motta had the foresight to move on from their well performing goalkeeper. They wanted to sign a replacement last year as well, but talks broke down.


Senior Member
You know in those super heroes movies where they arrive at the former heroes house, retired, usually a farm while he's working on a tractor in the middle of nowhere.

Lewandowski walking into the barn

Szczęsny: "I thought those were your footsteps, how did you find me?

Lewy: "Your mum used to tell me about this place you liked to visit when you were young. I figured you would be here.

Szcz: "Well what do you want, can't you see I'm busy"

Lewy: "Haven't you heard, the world needs you, Stegen is gone"

Szcz: "Stegen is gone?"

Lewy: "Yeah, gone gone"

Szcz: "How did that happen"

Lewy: "He jumped, never landed. Poor guy never stood a chance"

Szcz: *Pausing for a second* "yeah well I left that life behind, I'm not going back again, not after Budapest"

Lewy: "Your our only hope Woj, there's no one else"


Szcz: "I already said NO, I'm happy here, I got a new life, I'm happy, my wife is happy. There's no stress, nothing.

Lewy: "Well in case you change your mind, here's my card

Szcz: "You should leave now"

We need part 2


Professor Balthazar
Gotta say though, even Juventus/Motta had the foresight to move on from their well performing goalkeeper. They wanted to sign a replacement last year as well, but talks broke down.
I understand them, Szczęsny actually wasn't the best of keepers - but imo better than Stegen overall.

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