World Cup 2018


Well-known member
For all you Croats here, when modrić missed that Pk. I was all in Turkey game. 10y after it was all going that way... But this time we had Super Sub Subašić :)

RMU ReBorn

New member
Modric was all class. Created 2-3 clear cut chances and was the only one looked like creating something in the second half .


Well-known member
Haha fucking 'super sub' he did nothing and made 24 passes in 50 odd minutes on the park. When should have been fresher than the rest.

Were better before he came on.

Kovačić is so fucking PLAY SAFE player with no balls whatsoever. He needs to go ASAP from RM to make it what he has. Skils. This way he will end up as play safe invisible midfielder.


Senior Member
The Denmark keeper should be lighting a fire under the ass of his team mates, kept them in it with the save in extra time plus 2 saves & they still choke


Well-known member
Exactly but folk making out he came on and played wel....

He did raised pur game but only from beein pushrd back to beeing at level. Nothin else. He brpught nothing creative, nothing attacking, no magic, no skilz, just safe passing... For that we have a better player in Badelj. Kovačić needs to bring something in attack. He doesn't.

West Saxon

That is why you wanted Iceland to beat Argentina previously? If you are serious, that is pretty tribal way of supporting teams in a WC, man. Of course, nothing wrong with it.

Switzerland isn't exactly Germanic though, they have their French and Italian cantons.
I do tend to support the Scandinavian and the other Germanic nations (and the other British and Irish ones), yep. And why not - they are very close culturally, historically, and linguistically to my own country. I don't see a problem with it. Didier Drogba was on the BBC the other day supporting Senegal even though he's Ivorian, no doubt for the same sorts of reasons I supported Iceland. Which is totally cool.


Senior Member
He did raised pur game but only from beein pushrd back to beeing at level. Nothin else. He brpught nothing creative, nothing attacking, no magic, no skilz, just safe passing... For that we have a better player in Badelj. Kovačić needs to bring something in attack. He doesn't.

He is that type of a player lately.
He has skills, but no balls.
He can do magic 20-30 times per match, yet he makes 1-2 magical moments and 99 alibi passes.

He is "a supportive" midfielder.
Not a leader who will lift the team in tough moments.
He can work only with some leaders alongside him.

But still, he improved Croatia once when he came on, inspite of too many alibi passes.

Croatia was a ghost from the 45th to 70th minute.
And from 90 to 105.


Senior Member
I also noticed them getting burned out after 90 minutes . Isn't that a concern ? . One of the reason's why Portugal punished them in Euro's with that final counter attack .Renato sanchez was running like a fucking engine for 116 minutes .

Croatia's stamina lately is quite good compared how poor it was in the past.
The same as Barca, in the past Croatia relied only on technique and individual skills.
Not too much running, workrate, stamina, pace and similar.


Active member
I also noticed them getting burned out after 90 minutes . Isn't that a concern ? . One of the reason's why Portugal punished them in Euro's with that final counter attack .Renato sanchez was running like a fucking engine for 116 minutes .

I also noticed that. I think South American team & Russia are going to have an edge because of hot climate.

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