World Cup 2022


Senior Member
You know the answer: the "West" only cares because supporting the emancipation of Iranian women because it destabilizes an important geopolitical enemy in the middle east. He can't possibly fathom that entire nation states actually have cultures that prioritize the rights and well beings of people of all creeds and colours.

It's the ultimate projection from countries with authoritarian regimes.

This and a much much broader thing. Its at same time destabilizing antagonists of the world order (I don't use the word semantically in the same way as those stupid conspiracy theorists) but also stablizing as system of values which has twofold aims:

1 keepin the west at the center of the world in terms nof the "right values ,beliefs, perceptions" and wage war against any threat to that. Be it soft power (ohh poor Iranian women!) Or blunt trauma (Irak syria and more )

2 keeping the maximum of the rest of the world as market for the goods and services of the west because if the center of the world is the west the economic flows are unilateral. One sender and one receiver.

It s all about ressources and money it has always been.
To unify the market that is the globe a pattern has to be created. The pretext differs only in name and adjustements. Used to be "civilizing the world" then "world peace " now its " LGBT women rights". The endgame is always the same.
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Senior Member
This and a much much broader thing. Its at same time destabilizing antagonists of the world order (I don't use the word semantically in the same way as those stupid conspiracy theorists) but also stablizing as system of values which has twofold aims:

1 keepin the west at the center of the world in terms nof the "right values ,beliefs, perceptions" and wage war against any threat to that. Be it soft power (ohh poor Iranian women!) Or blunt trauma (Irak syria and more )

2 keeping the maximum of the rest of the world as market for the goods and services of the west because if the center of the world is the west the economic flows are unilateral. One sender and one receiver.

It s all about ressources and money it has always been
To unify the market that is the globe a pattern has to be created. The pretext differs only in name and adjustements. Used to be "civilizing the world" then "world peace " now its " LGBT women rights". The endgame is always the same.

Interesting perspective. A gentle reminder though: Iran is only going through the process of destabilization because its police force decided to quell dissent amongst young Iranians through imprisonment, violence, and death. Destabilization only exists because despite the crimes committed by the Iranian government, Iranians continue to persist for their desire for equal rights. As El Gato stated, the West isn't actually taking any direct action other expressing support for young Iranian's desire for the emancipation of women and sanctioning Iranian officials directly involved with the massacres.

Also very interesting is that you take more of an issue with the perceived motivations behind Western rhetoric over say the actual lives of Iranians being irreparably damaged because of Draconian customs. Also interesting that you exclude "the average joe" from your thesis, probably because you're fully aware the "average joe" doesn't really care about maximizing the global economy because a good portion of them actually do care about the well being of women outside of the EU/the West.

Literally like I said in the post you replied to, you genuinely can't fathom that people all over the world genuinely express concern over others this is why you assert all these nefarious theories. You're projecting, because this is literally what you think of issues related to Iranian women and vulnerable groups not directly related to you or your country.

Here's a thought for you: if we really didn't "truly care", then why is it that legally women and minorities possess equal rights in Western nations (well, most of them). Why is it that if these same Iranian women successfully migrated to Norway, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, or Germany...they wouldn't be killed for refusing to wear their head scarves like they are in Iran? Are we just "pretending" in our own countries too? Is it just for the sake of "maximizing the economy" too? What's your nefarious geopolitical reason for Iranian women having more rights in the West than in their own countries?
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El Gato

It is just fear (somewhat rational) of neocolonialism. Doesn't change the fact that to an average Joe basic human rights do matter. That their imposition is sometimes used as a tool to achieve something else is a different story


Senior Member
Let me start with a clarification. I don't know if something is lost in translation or what but ur putting the wrong words in my mouth here. I actually said that I don't doubt that u, and many westerners when they express solidarity with Iranian women,they do it on good faith and humane empathy! I never said otherwise in the first place !! So I don't know how this misunderstanding happened. What im maintainig, however,is that it s naive following, objectively speaking. Now here I will reiterate. To understand a complex human phenomona u I'll never have the slightest clue if u abandon analysing the pattern and u focus on discrete elements irrespective of the dynamic of the relationships between them. If u are trying to legetimize western agenda by appealing to the "validity" of the Iranian women cause I will give u a good analogy. Do u know why some medecines are in the form of a capsule ? Most of the the time substances inside are bitter and taste horrible. The outter layer is smooth and taste good for u to swallow it without issues. Now. Accusing me of undermining the condition of women in Iran is like pushing me - I who tries to analyse the whole capsule with all the substances to assess it - simply because the outter layer is smooth and swallowable. Of course it looks a good cause to defend. But No. I refuse to be simple minded and I prefer to analyse the thing as a whole rather than discrete separable elements. That's why people with a perspective like yours and people with perspective like mine can never arrive at the same findings, and conclusions.

Doesn't matter how presentable and flashy this cause of Iranian women,world cup qatar,war in syria, etc if I don't put them in a broader historical and political and economic perspective.doesnt matter at all don't wanna sound condescending but this is too elementary a system of thought for me.

I will start with a question :

Why the middle east and iran is all that matter to the west in terms of "human right"?

Why "viral" social and broadcast media and "mass humane sympathy" never reaches famine and catastrophes in parts of the globe of no interest to the interest of western economy?

Iran is subject to economic restrictions and impoverishment of the Iranian people so why the sudden care for women there?

Why this obsession with burkas and veils of women from the middle east ?

The preliminary conclusion,whithin the historical devolopment of the world is the same. Ressources are scarce and the world is fighting for it. Western agenda is trying repeatedly to impose its values so that it stays the Shepherd of the herd. this way the herd can never overtake the one who points out the direction. And if the herd is of some material value (oil, gold, etc)that's the one that needs to be Led for the perpetual exploitation.

Now we are dealing with human beings not with sheep . So of course the whole processes have to be in disguise. In the most beautiful lofty attire . "War on terrorism" "human rights" and this funky one "liberating people and introdcucing democracy" and so on and so forth.

It's truly mind boggling that the cycle is so reccurrent, yet people are blind to see. More blame is ok the sheep than on the herd if u ask me.
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Senior Member
It is just fear (somewhat rational) of neocolonialism. Doesn't change the fact that to an average Joe basic human rights do matter. That their imposition is sometimes used as a tool to achieve something else is a different story

Never questioned that . In fact that's what I said in the previous comment.I said I never questioned the genuine empathy of people "caught " in this Web. Somehow u misunderstood me.


Senior Member
Croatian fans arrived :hooray:


Meanwhile England squad thinking about taking the knee to protest some other shit.


Senior Member
Fifa suddenly on Saturday asked England, Denmark, Wales and Germany NOT to wear their "One love" rainbow colored captain armbands.

These teams declined.
We will see the consequences on the matchday (or before it?)

Denmark asked to wear training shirts with "Human rights for everyone" logo.
Fifa declined.

Fifa guys are total clowns.


Senior Member
Want to watch to see the shit show unfold, but don't want to support it by watching. Real dilemma.

That Infantino dude is worse than Blatter :lol:


Senior Member
Fifa suddenly on Saturday asked England, Denmark, Wales and Germany NOT to wear their "One love" rainbow colored captain armbands.

These teams declined.
We will see the consequences on the matchday (or before it?)

Denmark asked to wear training shirts with "Human rights for everyone" logo.
Fifa declined.

Fifa guys are total clowns.

No social or political messages period.

Henry was punished, that dude who displayed a message with Israel HR abuses got his career terminated.

Got something to say, out of the pitch.


Senior Member
People coming to force a social message to another country are sick in their minds.

Be men and boycott it from the get-go. but nah still need the money.

When France said Zero alcohol in stadiums in the WC, nobody in his mother dared to question that.


Senior Member
No social or political messages period.

Henry was punished, that dude who displayed a message with Israel HR abuses got his career terminated.

Got something to say, out of the pitch.

Infantino, president of no-politics FIFA literally went to an hour long rant against Europe yesterday, how Europe was causing wars for 3000 years.

Further, now, when European countries wanted "One love" rainbow armband, he said no and offered other political messages like: "Share the meal", "Save the planet" and "No Discrimination".
I mean, is the rule then NO POLITICS, or POLITICS which we AGREE ON?

The funniest thing with "No discrimination", Infantino said it can be used, but not right away in group stages but later in the tournament.
Aka: don't use "One love" now, and you'll be able to use a softer "No discrimination" later.
Only to remove "No discrimination" in 2 weeks when group stages finish :pep:

Don't be naive.
95% of all countries, politicians or CEO in any companies are assholes, corrupted and looking only at their interests.
How can anyone believe in anything what Fifa or Uefa say?

** Btw, Qatar plays today.
Let's see how much refs will play in their favor, since FIFA can't allow Qatar to go out after 1 or 2 matches after all the money and controversies invested.
Pens and soft free kicks/fouls incoming.
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Senior Member
Croatian fans arrived :hooray:


Meanwhile England squad thinking about taking the knee to protest some other shit.

Salute to them. This is the real organic spirit of the world cup and globalism. Its a short journey to defamliarize urself. To go explore, see, and appreciate something different and embrace world diversity that the very word "world" in world cup is all about. How sorry I feel for the entitled and the misery of travelling thousands of kms just to bitch about things different to ur environment and that's for a couple of days! Mass media is slowly becoming mass brainwashing people on low guard.

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