Most people follow football on a very childish level, choosing their heroes and favourite teams, constructing pathetic mythologies etc. In the game they are mostly looking for eye catching moments in the spotlight of big games. It's today's understanding of sport, superficial and consumeristic.
Football always had a healthy core that resisted commercialization, but day by day it's becoming like NBA or NFL. Emergence of high profile "instant" teams playing game of power, directness and raw talent has installed a model since it does not require years of systematic teaching and developing, no tactical ambition or will to play the game with joy.
In the end you will have little Mourinhos managing franchises filled with mega athletes, all playing the same rudimentary game. Lack of style and substance will be substituted with media sensationalistic crap (what did player X write on twitter, how "genius" coach A outsmarted coach B with "excellent tactics" - when there's no tactics at all, just empty opportunism).
That's why team like still Barcelona presents a different model (even if it has to sell its soul to capitalist devil in some ways): hard work and humbleness, academic understanding of the game, whole life learning and perfecting of your game, effort to play it the right way and enjoy it. It brings a deep pleasure watching that game, and watching team like Chelsea, Inter or Real leaves me empty.
I stopped reading this cretin's article however, after he mentioned "Busquets incident". I really can't understand. Here you have a wonderful player, smart, technically excellent, a joy to watch. But all that majority of people know about him (besides him being "average, overrated and sideways passing") is that he peeked in front of cameras.
Rant over.
Most people follow football on a very childish level, choosing their heroes and favourite teams, constructing pathetic mythologies etc. In the game they are mostly looking for eye catching moments in the spotlight of big games. It's today's understanding of sport, superficial and consumeristic.
Football always had a healthy core that resisted commercialization, but day by day it's becoming like NBA or NFL. Emergence of high profile "instant" teams playing game of power, directness and raw talent has installed a model since it does not require years of systematic teaching and developing, no tactical ambition or will to play the game with joy.
In the end you will have little Mourinhos managing franchises filled with mega athletes, all playing the same rudimentary game. Lack of style and substance will be substituted with media sensationalistic crap (what did player X write on twitter, how "genius" coach A outsmarted coach B with "excellent tactics" - when there's no tactics at all, just empty opportunism).
That's why team like still Barcelona presents a different model (even if it has to sell its soul to capitalist devil in some ways): hard work and humbleness, academic understanding of the game, whole life learning and perfecting of your game, effort to play it the right way and enjoy it. It brings a deep pleasure watching that game, and watching team like Chelsea, Inter or Real leaves me empty.
I stopped reading this cretin's article however, after he mentioned "Busquets incident". I really can't understand. Here you have a wonderful player, smart, technically excellent, a joy to watch. But all that majority of people know about him (besides him being "average, overrated and sideways passing") is that he peeked in front of cameras.
Rant over.
Most people follow football on a very childish level, choosing their heroes and favourite teams, constructing pathetic mythologies etc. In the game they are mostly looking for eye catching moments in the spotlight of big games. It's today's understanding of sport, superficial and consumeristic.
Football always had a healthy core that resisted commercialization, but day by day it's becoming like NBA or NFL. Emergence of high profile "instant" teams playing game of power, directness and raw talent has installed a model since it does not require years of systematic teaching and developing, no tactical ambition or will to play the game with joy.
In the end you will have little Mourinhos managing franchises filled with mega athletes, all playing the same rudimentary game. Lack of style and substance will be substituted with media sensationalistic crap (what did player X write on twitter, how "genius" coach A outsmarted coach B with "excellent tactics" - when there's no tactics at all, just empty opportunism).
That's why team like still Barcelona presents a different model (even if it has to sell its soul to capitalist devil in some ways): hard work and humbleness, academic understanding of the game, whole life learning and perfecting of your game, effort to play it the right way and enjoy it. It brings a deep pleasure watching that game, and watching team like Chelsea, Inter or Real leaves me empty.
I stopped reading this cretin's article however, after he mentioned "Busquets incident". I really can't understand. Here you have a wonderful player, smart, technically excellent, a joy to watch. But all that majority of people know about him (besides him being "average, overrated and sideways passing") is that he peeked in front of cameras.
Rant over.
Xavi is passionate about Barcelona and being successful at what he does makes him one of football's biggest douche bags. You all here praise him for his interview but he really doesn't have much respect for anything else that isn't Blaugrana, dismissing Capello's annihilation of his beloved dream team with half the players missing in the CL. Sure, Capello's football is just that!
Hearing Xavi speak is like hearing Guti speak although the latter can be a bit more annoying, for both fans.
His beloved type of football was dead for six years (as opposed to him thinking max 2) and the one who makes them majestic really is a player who doesn't take anything less than 5 touches (Ronaldinho then Messi).
You are quickly to dismiss an article getting back at Xavi whereas if you read the article properly again, you'd see that he has mopped the floor with other big teams and big names just because they don't play his style. In the process of bigging up his own style of play he forgot that Barcelona do not even the largest fan base because not everyone prefers that so called lasting legacy. To some, it is spectacular to watch but not necessary anything they would like their teams to play.
You will never see anyone publish an article as such about Puyol for instance, because he has up until now did not misplace a single word or dismissed other team's accomplishments as 'some other type of football'.